" For US!!"" unconditional "" I Love Coaching "" Got a few Years left, Thank God for that! ""07-08 season, Sep-Feb" My interests are prioritized by order of importance in my life. Dont waste time judging, "Either Love me or leave me alone!"
Gladiator, Troy, 300, The Wood, Brown Sugar, Love & Basketball, Blood Diamonds, Wedding Crashers, Hitch... I could keep goin' (dont feel like it)
NBA TV, Sportscenter..... dont need much else!!
'The Cay' (read it in 7th grade, hahaha!), 'The DaVinci Code' author: Dan Brown(book is better), 'Angels and Demons' author: Dan Brown, 'Deception Point' author: Dan Brown, 'Driven From Within' (Micheal Jordan), 'The Passion of Jesus Christ' auther: John Piper(Thanks Dom), 'Living Fearless' author: Paramahansa Yogananda 'The Purpose Driven Life' author: Rick Warren (in progress), 'Desiring God' author: John Piper (currently paused)
"Me and Popps""Imma Momma's boy, So what!!"