Peace not war Generosity not greed Empathy not hateCreativity not destruction Everybody not just us :)
This is Prince :)
RAp/HIp hoP.
HAnnah monTAna
REmember the Titans.
FOx and the HOUnd.
The noteBOok.
the titANic.
BEauty and the BEast.
♥the NIGhtmare before CHRistmas♥
THe hills.
laguna BEach.
PArental contRol.
Sister SIster.
Thats so RAven.
WHen boy meETS worlD.
prettie much dont believe in reading. :]
Forest Gump is amazing :)
"Momma always said there is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes, where they're going, where they've been." -Forest Gump
"Jenny and Me was like peas and carrots" -Forest Gump :)