Random guys I dont know in real life that send me friend requests. Up and coming local bands that want to advertise themselves on my comments. Anyone who can 'hook me up' with free ringtones or a $500 gift certificate to TARGET. Girls that use photoshop to look really pale, where all you can really see is the eyes, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. 15 year old blonde girls from rural america that have pictures from school dances and their soccer team. Anyone from Malaysia or the Philipines. People that have pictures of their car in their profile. Asian people that are only friends with other Asian people. Guys that go to the gym a bunch and leave a lot of comments on those naked model girls' profiles. PeOpLe WhO tYpE lIkE tHiZzZz. People that kinda look like all of their friends. Girls that say they're "bi". Anyone that likes a bands "old stuff" but isn't really into their new album. Anyone whos taking their own picture in the mirror, but is super posed and looking off to the side. Girls that wear those tight pants that have no back pockets with little t-shirts that say shit like "bootylicious".