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People who aren't fake and aren't afraid to admit it. Musicians that play for God AND represent Him. Who realize that just because you are part of the scene you are in does not mean you have to drink, smoke, do drugs, have sex, and cuss like the rest of them. I have many people in many bands I have met that have let me down on this. The rock and roll community seems to pick good Christians up and spit them out as atheists. Someday I will stand in that industry as a building built upon the Rock that is a foundation that will not falter and I will take back music for God to a time when it was praise to His ears back from satan who tried to take it with him when he fell from heaven. Until then I want to meet people that represent that.
Also, Strong Christian people, boy and girl alike. Real ones that know the Fruits of the Spirit and live them out. Ones that stand for God and bare fruit for his cause, giving good fruit as a branch grafted onto Him who is the Vine. Christians that are followers of Christ first and the "Christian" cliche of America never. Christians that realize that there is mystery in Faith and that it is supernatural as well.
Also, all who are hungry, all who are weak and thirst: come and I will tell you of Jesus Christ, the Well of Life that gives healing, quenching water that will quench the thirst of your soul forever and forever more over and over. He came and by the stripes He took on His back we have been healed of all our pain and sorrow, sadness and misery. He has taken people last for years to cutting, alcohol, depression, smoking, and all manner of sadness and healed them, making them new people that know true love.
Also, In a girl:
I will settle for no less that what I have been promised from God. A girl that is strong in Him sincerely, and trust me, I will be able to tell all the fakers out. For me, someone who doesn't only have a desire to know God, but one who does and lives Him out in their every day life. I won't be like many kids I know who find a person as "Christian" and say it's alright to date them. Unless they bare fruit in what they do then I'm not looking to them as a girlfriend. I may be waiting some time but I know I will find her, I may have already but only God knows. In the mean time I can be happy that I have hope given to me through people like my sister who is always after God's own Heart. She gives me hope that someday I will find someone that is strong in Christ and bares fruit. I also find hope through her husband Shane for he shows me that strong women of Christ know well how to chose who to be with and will settle for no less than that of a man like him.AIM= LinkQuestMaster
LJ= Faith_Found01