t h e l o w d o w n :
07Â Â Â 21Â Â Â 2007 ON GENERAL INTERESTS: I HAVE A PERSONAL AND STRONG AFFECTION FOR THE FOLLOWING. If there were a way to photograph or preserve each of them I would and some I already have:
Lengthy MORNINGS drawn out in bed. Entire Days SPENT alone and NUDE. Constructive isolation. TWILIGHT Bike RideS With CHARLIE ParKER. Good ol'Football tossing Greasy spOOn pancakes. JEEP'N! the OPEN ROAD. NOISE thrills. Reticence. Conservatism. TRADITIONalists. POLITICAL punditry. J A Z Z. C i n e m a t o g r a p h y. Homer Simpson . Sierra Nevada(s). MysteriOusly aloof beauties. Hot, butter-swathed BREAD Good WINE. SWOLLEN rivers and grassy banks. Moody interiors. Candlelight and rainWATER. N E W. E N G L A N D. P A T R I O T S. 16-0 (2007): that aint peanuts, baby! Drum solos jam sessions.. Over-worn denim. Moderation. "Arrested Development" BOOkbrowsinG. Photography. Loyalty. SundayS with MONk... ...O C T O B E R... Film in BLACK AND white. ARCHITECTURAL wonders. Art-DECO. (The ChrySler Building). Pavement-POUNDING the canyons of New YORK CITY. UmbreLLas on Madison AVEnue. Rain on Windows. Drifting CloudshapeS. Soaring over the Grand Canyon at 30 thousand. An OccasionaL flirt. Coquettish WOMEN. Visual Subtleties. Delicate and oft-ignored sounds like that of wind- ShifTING tree branches. MAPS... Colonial Revolutionaries... A Time before cell phones. FRANTIC body-grappling atop THE clothes dryer or AMONG tangled SheeTS. Elusive Snugglies, COPPERTOPS. YELloWtoPs and VISUAL SubTLeties. TRAIN whiStles. 18th century Frigates. WATER! places with SOOthinG WATer... God-giVen Light... ...a quiet garden... lonely SHADOWS... ...Always a camera...
WHAT I'VE BEEN LISTENING TO: ...All that which inspires joy and comforts sadness: MiNGus. ColTRANE. MILEs. MONK. W.Marsalis. CANNonball. GunS N ROsEs. 311. Prince. Michael JACKSON. Jack Johnson. Beastie BOYS. CAKE ColdPLAY Dave MATTHews. faith no more RyaN AdAMs. Big Audio Dynamite. DJango. PEARL Jam. NIRVana. SWING. Sting. RaDioHeaD. U2 Haydn. BACH. Chopin. Chris ISAAK. Stone ROSES. the DooRS. TOOL. Tori AMOS. Jonny LANG. Rolling STONES. Cowboy JUNKIES. Diana KRALL. Steely DAN. Film Scores. Duke ELLINGTON. Armstrong. B.B.King Herbie HANCOCK. The CHIEFtains. Johnny CASH and more...
L I T E R A T U R E :
"I was reading the dictionary the other day. I thought it was a poem about everything." -Steven Wright, genius.
A.Chekov. M.TWAIN J.Cheever C.Hitchens. C.S. LEWIS J.KEROUAC. D.McCullough. J.Ellis. WAMBAUGH COULTER R.CARVER. E.Wharton. The Hardy Boys - I grew up on that stuff! SCHULTZ W. Allen. ANything of HisTOrical significance with the American REVOLution and ITS cast of CHARActers being my SpECiaL interest.
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