Imagine a soft clumsy giant; imagine a historical personage whose knowledge of money is limited to the abstract billions of a national debt; imagine an exiled prince [sic!] who is unaware of the Golconda in his cuff links! That is to say - oh, hyperbolically - that I am the most impractical fellow in the world.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
someone who can show me how to connect my old scales to the line-in of my laptop so it makes whoop-whoop sounds when i jump up and down; kafka, danny tamberelli
My Blog
critical theory
just a few days ago, my way of criticizing people was compared to a piece of rotten (better: rotting) meat, medium rare and served with a nice blend of fried potates, salad and mushroom gravy to top i... Posted by on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 03:53:00 GMT