drews profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i am always late!!!!!! never on time!!!!!! you can count on me to be spot on (plus an hour and a half) i'd be much more on time if i didn't have a car or driving licence. i'd also be more on time if i could teleport, actually, no i'd still be late for everything.get te picture, im always late. I have a nasty streak (which usually only comes out playing rugby) which is quite bad cos i enjoy it in an odd kind of way. I have, correctional opticle tools (glasses and contacts)I absolutely %100 FUCKING HATE the types of girls that are real pretty, but know it... ...i got some news for you bunch of uptight stick thin, dumb ass crack feinds.... ... Fuck you and your boy racer boyfriend (all 9 of em') etc etc.i like playing computer games and am what some of my friends consider to be a computer geek but they tend to be the non-gamers. Call of duty 3 on xbox live is the best game ever invented and if your good come have a game with me, my gamertag is: George Sound ...happy days I digress... ...I drum, i hit anything i can, even people sittin next to me (sorry in advance). Im also predictable to a select few, typical example, yesterday i was playing air giutar, no i wasn't im lying. The likes of terrett, JD, tron, benedict Jordan (he's good at knowing what im thinking) all know exactly what i mean or what the fuck im up to when i do things smply because i operate in a very different way from all you other uman beings.Either way, i like friends, so if your my friend, i probably really do think the world of you, so don't forget the love, no need to show it back!at the moment i am in my last year at university of glamorgan, i study sound technology and have learned more electronics this year than my butties old man (hes an electrical engineer) knows?!? work that1 out en! All n all, uni's been awesome, for the first two years i pissed it up and smoked some endo, this year its just the drugs

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Robbie Fowler,lars ulrich,the queen,prince charles, my maker, my destroyer, the mother fucker who put a trout in my bass drum last year! John Wayne, Derren Brown, steve McQueen, Tony Blair (knock him the fuck out!), you!!! (and yo ma)