kleine kinder zum weinen bringen, damit man sie dann liebevoll wieder beruhigen kann! freunde haben, freund sein, familie, schlafen, träumen, essen, trinken, tanzen, bodybuilding, lachen, musik, reisen, chaos, geruch vom nassen asphalt, gewitter, heimat, ehrlichkeit, kind sein..
id like to meet all the people i know just like 11 years younger. that would be great... we'd all be some little suckers playing with dolls and doing stupid stuff.. our only problem would be that we are hungry, or that our siblings treated us bad... yup.. such good times!!!oh.. and at the same time my grandpa would be still alive... i could tell him all the things i didnt get the chance to tell.
WWW.ALLUC.DE ; grease, reservoir dogs...
emergency room, grey's anatomy, house
der nazi und der friseur, der steppenwolf, killjoy, michaell connely's bücher (the poet!...), ...