About me? I'm the type of guy your mom always warned you about...so keep away from me. That's all you need to know.
LOL! Hey! I'm j/k! I'm lovely! ;-)I'm fed up with Facebook, so I'm back here on MySpace, at the moment.
Recently I found out this ilike site which is VERY interesting. Have a look: http://www.ilike.com/
It's a music-based community. You can easily find new friends who got your same music taste. And it's also useful if you want to listen to new bands and artists. It's really cool. And nope, they don't pay me for writing this. :-|Throughout my 10+ year online activity (I first got online back in 1997) I met a lot of nice people. Some of them I eventually met in real, too. And that's always the best part, if you got what I mean! ;-) LOL!
I used to use (nearly in chronological order): ICQ, IRC, Yahoo Messenger, Microsoft Messenger, Friendster, AOL Messenger, My Space (I'm here since year 2k, I guess), hotornot, Skype, Ringo, Hi5, onlinebooteycall, tagged and maybe others...
Too many to keep up with! It was really time consuming!
So I decided to cut it out.
Now, as I said before, I only use Skype and (quite rarely) Yahoo messenger as instant messengers and Facebook (not anymore! I used to) and ilike as social network communities. I really think they're the best ones and you should follow me if you don't want to waste your time! :-)
So never think you're gonna find me here often: you can still send me emails if you've got something to tell me, right? :-)Tulilu!Giorgio