Hello internet folks. My name is (thinking.....Wouldnt you like to know). Just call me Musical. My name is Musical because I am musically gifted. I play the piano and I can hum a few tunes. I am a Christian who loves the Lord. I like to play detective. If you dont know what I mean by that, you better ask somebody. LOL I am so inquisitive that you can probably call me Ms. Investigator and I wont get mad at you. LOL I am a member of the first and the finest sorority. Once Originated, Three Times Imitated, Never Ever Duplicated, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated! I would like to give a earpiercing SKEEEE WEEEEE to my pretty sorors of Allllpha Kappa Allllpha Sorority Incorporated. That's all about me for right now. Maybe I'll add more later.