What are you like, when in love? by UhhhWhatever
Your name/nickname...
When in love, you are... Faithful
Your love is... Beautiful
Your kisses are... Hot
Your hugs are... Gentle
People love you because... You're stylish
You make me smile because... by xLiL PreP1x
Your Laugh .... Is envied by many
Your Smile ... Just takes my breath away
Your eyes ... Shine with the stars
Your scent is.... Sweet
Your lips are... Perfect
Your hair .... Shines with a perfect balance
Your friendship .... Is the greatest
Your hug ... Is warm
Your kiss ... Is delicous
Your love .... Inspiring
You ..... radiate beauty!
What Is Your Movie Kiss?
The Notebook
Your movie kiss is the Notebook!
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Who i would like to meet is my mom when she use to be normal and not doing the shit that she does..i dont understand why things cant be better for her and she would realize even though it doesnt seem to hurt her so much..well guess what it hurts her kids even more then ever!! What i hope that changes my moms life for the rest of her life is my new baby sister.. cause this is the child that she had without being fucked up on shit! Deep in my heart she is the one person that i would like to meet again!!! her being her old self!!!
About me
Name: Stevie
Family members: dotsons
Brithday: July 9
Height: 5'1
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: blue most of the time but can change to green,, depends on what i wear
Have you ever?
Slept a whole day: oh yes all the time..
Stayed up a whole night: oh yes not to long ago
Kissed someone of the opposite sex: yeah
Kissed just a friend: yeah
Kissed in the rain?Snow?Sun?: yeah
Kissed on the beach: yeah
Kissed underwater: no
Been rejected: idk
Cheated on someone: one time but it will never happen again.. but he was cheating on me too
Been cheated on: yes
Done something you regret: yeah sometimes but i always hope that i dont cause i have to many good timesinput type='hidden' name='question19' value='Done+some