I was manufactured and distributed by the Coca-Cola company in 1994. My target group was 'Generation X'. I had a very unique advertising system. This advertising sytem was thought out by the CIA in collaboration with Coca-Cola. There is a manifesto, on each can of me and statements from the manifesto were printed around the can. Also, my design was always in the style of underground comics. Statements from the manifesto in conjuction with each other would modify a person's general outlook. I was a behavior modification experiment.My Manifesto is:
1) What's the point ok OK? Well, what's the point of anything?2) OK Soda emphatically rejects anything that is not OK, and fully supports anything that is.3) The better you understand something, the more OK it turns out to be.4) OK Soda says, "Don't be fooled into thinking there has to be a reason for everything."5) OK Soda reveals the surprising truth about people and situations.6) OK Soda does not subscribe to any religion, or endorse any political party, or do anything other than feel OK.7) There is no real secret to feeling OK.8) OK Soda may be the preferred drink of other people such as yourself.9) Never underestimate the remarkable abilities of "OK" brand soda.10) Please wake up every morning knowing that things are going to be OK.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
My fans, people who loved to drink me, I want to relive the stories.
1-800-I FEEL OK............Share your stories, relive the great times