Camping, Hiking, Video Games, Concerts... so much more than anything I could put in here.
You Are New York
Cosmopolitan and sophisticated, you enjoy the newest in food, art, and culture.
You also appreciate a good amount of grit - and very little shocks you.
You're competitive, driven, and very likely to succeed.
Famous people from New York: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Tupac Shakur, Woody Allen
What American City Are You?
People who are themselves, and think for themselves.
whoa. I love music.... the issue is I love alot of music. Yeah Jazz, funk, classic Rock, Alternative, Alternative NRG, house, electronica and so much more... well minus Polka, and Country... 311, No Doubt, Tool, VNV Nation, Danny Tenagilla, Rolling Stones, Doors, Led Zepplin and The Grateful Dead are some of my alltime favorites....
Princess Bride. Clreks, THe LOTR Trilogy, Boondock Saints, the Mummy, Contract Killer (bad ass old martial arts film) and so much more... I love so many movies I could be here all day writing them all down so I wont.
I don't watch alot of TV anymore at most twice a month... I kinda am a Sci Fi, Discovery Channel, and Commedy Central kinda guy... I do tend to watch South Park, ST:DS9, ST:TNG, Drawn Together, Family Guy, and a few others on my computer from time to time.
Foundation and Empire, The Natural Mind, THe Zombie Survival handbook, working class, LOTR Trilogy, and a bunch more....
My heroes are are the people who work towards a better tomorrow. A tomorrow in which all of gods childern of every nationality, religion,and creed can come together in peace and understanding. -MTK