Official myspace page of Heather HamptonsI started modeling when I was only 4 months old. Obviously I didn't have much choice at that age, but as I got older, I really enjoyed it.
I kept up with it until I was 13. At that time it was to much for me to keep up with. I was having a tough time in school, and never had any freetime. I hated leaving the modeling business, but I had other aspects of my life that were lacking attention.
When I turned 18, I decided to start dancing. I found a local strip club that was hiring and began working. It wasn't long after that, that I was approached by a photographer who wanted to photograph me and submit the images to men's magazines. After seeing the positive responses come pouring in, I felt confident that I had what it takes to persue nude modeling.
Things just took off from there. I was getting lots of work (and the money wasn't to bad either lol). Since then i've traveled back and forth across the US, doing shoot after shoot. Though it's something I enjoy very much, im now finding myself needing a break from it all. I need some "me" time. This is why i've taken a temporary leave of absense. Im still here for those who wish to chat, and get to know me better, but as far as working, im on hiatus.
There is, however, more to me then just sex. I enjoy a wide variety of things. I love to read, watch horror flicks, sing, sleep (when possible), shop (don't all women lol), and of course web design.
Im also a very open person so feel free to ask me anything. All I ask is that you are respectful. I don't reply to people who are rude, disrespectful, or demanding.