I'm Jessica.
I'm a dreamer.
I'm a realist.
I'm a fatalist.
Yes, all three.
It's a bit complicated the way things go on in my mind.
I'm tattooed.
I'm a photographer.
I have a strong passion for music.
I believe that there are still good people in the World.
I used to think that I didn't have Faith.
I've come to realize that I have more Faith than I can comprehend.
I don't believe in any one religion.
I'm an offensive person to some, especially to those who don't really know me.
I don't think the World will ever see TRUE PEACE. It's nice to think about though.
I belive in Memories.
I love to cuddle.
I am smarter than I may lead you to believe.
I don't like when I'm lied to.
I love my friends. The Original. The new. The old. The future ones I come across.
I like to think of myself as "damaged goods"
I've been through a lot in my 21 years alive, but it didn't break me, it's made me who I am today.
I am an asshole, but like I tell everyone...I'd rather be an asshole than a pushover anyday.
I don't take kindly to people who are rude and obnoxious.
I cherish the little things in life.
I don't ever intend to grow up.
I wish that there were more open minded people in the World.
Remember that everything that you do does affect the ones around you.
I can be an angry person, but I'm working on that.
I swear like a sailor out at sea..but I'm also working on that.
I've learned not to judge people, everyone does it, even if they know it or not.
I've learned not to dwell on your past.
You can't move forward in your life until you let things go.
Forgive and forget.
I used to be a firm believer in Forgive, but don't forget...that got me nowhere.
Forgetting helps you trust again...I've gone through most of my life not trusting people..and in the end it didn't hurt anyone but myself.
I may be to trust people very easily now but at least I know I'm trying to be a better person...not for anyone..but for myself.
I don't like asking myself "what if?" I just tend to do what I feel and if it doesn't work out..then it wasn't meant to be.
Live your life, don't ever let anyone live it for you.
Never take your parents for granted...I've learned that the hard way. RIP Mom.
She was the best mother she could be to me and my brothers..the best wife she could be to my father...and I'm not going to sit here
and say that I never took her for granted..or that I was the best daughter I could have been,
because I wasn't...and I'm not afraid to say it.
I was one of those daughters that did what she wanted and got away with what ever I wanted...even if I knew it hurt my mother...
now when I see kids like I used to be..it makes me sick to
my stomach...because that's how I was...If you take anything from what I've writen...it's just..Love your parents..respect them...
and never take them for granted...just remember they just want the best for you.
forgive them for what they've done, or not done..
you're never promised tomorrow...and tomorrow may be too late to tell them that you love them...it was for me,
and that honestly and truely is the only thing I regret in my life.
This is me. Take it or leave it.Never let anyone make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.
Invent.Forgive.Respect.Most of all Love.To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive.