Watching my boys win championships!! Here are some pics from this year's Final Four:
Football (preferrably Gators or Pats), fishing, kayaking (anything involving H2O), golf. I love traveling. I've made my rounds, but I know I've barely scratched the surface. Traveled England, Spain, France, Italy, Czech Republic, and Austria in Europe. I've spent a lot more time in The Bahamas, The Keys, Vermont and most of the Northeast Kingdom, Boston, Vegas and NYC. In the last year, I've seen Vancouver, North Carolina, Arizona and Colorado. Plenty more to see, but for now, life is good.
And now, for some serious stuff...
Please take a look at this website. www.SmileTrain.org It is one of the most impressive charities I've seen. Zero overhead, etc. They've performed nearly a quarter of a million surgeries in the past decade totally free of charge from donations alone.
I don't have a lot to give, but I manage to give $25 a month to the smile train. I hardly miss it, but I figure I can change a child's life every year. Totally worth it. If you don't give to this cause, find one that you are passionate about.
Thanks for your support.
Lance Armstrong, because he inspires me to be a better person. Robin Williams, Will Farrell, Steve Carell, Chris Rock, Chris Farley and Lewis Black because they make me laugh. Oh, and George W Bush, so I can douse him in high-priced oil and set him on fire.
Everything. I love watching live music and dig anyone with true talent.
I'm not a huge movie buff, but I love really smart comedies (as well as a few comedy-free classics)... Office Space, Anchorman, The Jerk, Breakfast Club, Napoleon Dynamite, Swingers, Pulp Fiction, Shawshank Redemption, The Usual Suspects, Ocean's Eleven, Chasing Amy, Garden State, Talladega Nights, Knocked Up, Forgetting Sarah Marshall and the list goes on...
Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Gossip Girl, Heroes, Friday Night Lights, 24, House, Entourage, My Name is Earl, The Office, Family Guy, The Simpsons, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Intervention
Armadillo Armageddon by Wallace B McCall, Five Thousand Years on the Loxahatchee by James Snyder (both shameless plugs for family and friend authors), anything by Hemmingway, The DaVinci Code, any travel or fishing books, other trash/murder/sports/mystery/love/crime/self-help/sci-fi/biog raphical/auto-biographical/religious/political/poetic/histor ical/culinary/thriller/war/home and garden/literary masterpieces/anything-having-to-do-with-anything-under-the-s un books/magazines/journals/newspapers/encyclopedias. I like to read.
Mom and Dad
And my hubby ♥ Jon ♥. I've loved him since we met eleven years ago and I continue to fall more in love every day.