watchin mOvies... chattin... singin... dancin... meeting new fRends... listening tO music... reading pOcketbOokS... pix takiN... dRiving arOund... shOppin... nD mOst of all, spending time wit mah fRiends nD my baybii!!!
~My Faves~
Fave Singer
- saRah geRonimO
- kyLa
Fave Acoustic Band
- mYmp
Fave Color
- pink
- baby blue
Fave Food & Drink
- filipinO fOods/ice tea
Fave Season
- summer
Fave Sports
- vOlleyball
- badmintOn
Fave Hangout
- mall
Fave pet
- puppy
nObOdy else but mhee!!! nah i'm juz playin... i mean, whOeveR is inteRested... nebOdy who's fun 2 be wit, who's nOt bOring... thOse who will respect mhee, anyOne who's fRiendly... eveRybOdy's welcOme... old fRiendz., new fRiendz, it dOesn't matteR... nebOdy whO's nice but nOt thOse naughty ones... thOse whO dOn't take advantage, nD nOt a liar... mOst of all, nOt "plastic" nD "fLirT"!!! anyOne., juz add mhee., [email protected]
lOve sOngs., pinOy rap music., R'n'B...
~~*The Notebook*~~... the ring, a cindeRella stOry, a walk tO remembeR, 5o fiRst date., theRe aRe lOts... it wOn't fit heRe!!!
ameRica's next tOp mOdel, pimp mah ride, music videOs, but mOstly TFC...!!!
"pReciOus heaRts rOmance & pinOy rOmance"!!!
God.. nD my mOm!