zyRa profile picture


express what you feel!

About Me

well my name is ZYRALYN, but u can juz call me zy... 21 yrs old (legal 2 gO 2 the bar & drink, nD nOt 2 mention.. party... nyahaha)... obviOusly, i'm living heRe in anchOrage, AK., but my hOmetOwn is in philippines (P.I)... sO wut can i tell 'bout mah lyf?! well my lyf is lyk a dRama that u can watch on uR TV., i have expeRienced all of the stuff that a mOvie theme has... drama, rOmance, cOmedy, suspense, etc... but it's all cOol thO, i can say that mah lyf is cOloRful (juz lyk rainbow, haha!!)... 'b0ut lOve lyf?! i can say dat i'm a risk takeR, b'cOz i knO that lOve hOlds nO guarantees, it's a risk we take... nD of cOuRse, 'bOut mhee!!.. well, all i can say is i'm juz a simple gurl, wit simple likez nD dizlikez... i am nice 2 thOse ones who's alsO nice 2 mhee, but fOr thOse whO has an attitude, u betteR back up *BIAATTCCCHHH*, cOz i wOn't prOmise that i wOuld alsO be nice 2 u., especially sa mga *PLASTIC*, get reaL mahn!!! anyhOw, hmm.. wut else?? oh, i have lOts of fRiendz, nD i can tell that they are enjoying my cOmpany., well, they said theiR fiRst impRessiOn 2 mhee is "sassy"., i cannOt take it away frOm them thO, that's theiR fiRst impRessiOn, but once we get alOng much lOngeR, they wOuld tell i'm cOol, funny nD trustwOrthy., in shOrt, a nice fRiend... newayz, that's all i can say fOr nOw., aiite, i'm outz!!!
Cool SlideshowsWeLc0mE t0... mY pAgE ..

My Interests

watchin mOvies... chattin... singin... dancin... meeting new fRends... listening tO music... reading pOcketbOokS... pix takiN... dRiving arOund... shOppin... nD mOst of all, spending time wit mah fRiends nD my baybii!!! ~My Faves~
Fave Singer
- saRah geRonimO
- kyLa
Fave Acoustic Band
- mYmp
Fave Color
- pink
- baby blue
Fave Food & Drink
- filipinO fOods/ice tea
Fave Season
- summer
Fave Sports
- vOlleyball
- badmintOn
Fave Hangout
- mall
Fave pet
- puppy

I'd like to meet:

nObOdy else but mhee!!! nah i'm juz playin... i mean, whOeveR is inteRested... nebOdy who's fun 2 be wit, who's nOt bOring... thOse who will respect mhee, anyOne who's fRiendly... eveRybOdy's welcOme... old fRiendz., new fRiendz, it dOesn't matteR... nebOdy whO's nice but nOt thOse naughty ones... thOse whO dOn't take advantage, nD nOt a liar... mOst of all, nOt "plastic" nD "fLirT"!!! anyOne., juz add mhee., [email protected]


lOve sOngs., pinOy rap music., R'n'B...


~~*The Notebook*~~... the ring, a cindeRella stOry, a walk tO remembeR, 5o fiRst date., theRe aRe lOts... it wOn't fit heRe!!!


ameRica's next tOp mOdel, pimp mah ride, music videOs, but mOstly TFC...!!!


"pReciOus heaRts rOmance & pinOy rOmance"!!!


God.. nD my mOm!

My Blog

gender of my brain

Your Brain is 73.33% Female, 26.67% Male Your brain leans female You think with your heart, not your head Sweet and considerate, you are a giver But you're tough enough not to le...
Posted by zyRa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

2 all peepz huz in love:X... read diz

Love you, Love you, Love you I love you, yes it's true My dear, it seems to me that we were made to be stuck like glue I love you with all my heart Even though you might not reciprocate. I...
Posted by zyRa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

tell u what...!!!

Are you one of the 3 P`s? (Poser, Punk, Prep) What do they call you? When is your cake-day? What color are you feelin`? What grade you reppin`? What`s your favorite song? You are a ViRGiN =) TRUE...
Posted by zyRa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Horoscope for Libra17 Jan 2005 CHOOSE...AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittar iusCapricornAquariusPisces Kwiz.Biz Daily Horoscopes for your Blog ...
Posted by zyRa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

mAh aCr0nyM...

ZZanyYYummyRRadicalAAdventurousLLovableYYuckyNNuttyName / Username: Name Acronym GeneratorFrom Go-Quiz.com...
Posted by zyRa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

weLc0mE bAck!!!

my huniey's back from philippines, welcome back hun! i love you... muaaahhhhh...!!!
Posted by zyRa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

under construction...

Well as u can cee, aYm still new at diz myspace tingy, so i'm still workin' at it!!! ...
Posted by zyRa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST