RJ profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

I keep pretty busy entrepeneuning which sucks but is pretty much awesome when it comes to entrepeneuirshipness. We are currently involved in an emerging maple syrup conglomerate in which I was just named CEO, and due to my dutiful duties, we are now producing maple syrup for Mrs. Butterworth, and we hear the Aunt Jemima people are currently looking at us. I'm probably the coolest person you ever met, except for Jesus Flores, and that is only because his name is Jesus Flowers. And you probably never met him. So there you go. Photobucket Album

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'm kind of all met out right now, I'm ok not meeting anyone else, especially if you are one of the hot broads who tries to be my myspace friend every other day. If I don't know you I assume you have syphillis. Plus it just takes time out of the maple syrup game which requires 110% of ones attention.

My Blog

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