Your Heart Is Pink
In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.
Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.
Your flirting style: Coy
Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park
Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant
What you bring to relationships: Romance What Color Heart Do You Have?
*The Ultimate About Me Survey*:
Name: Bethany
DOB: 8/16/89
Birthplace: Dayton
Current location: Some where in the us!?!?!
Eye color: Green
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'0
Heritage: ummm irish and germanand engilish man i dont know
Piercings: none yet
Tattoos: ewwww none
Band/Singer: skillet
Song: Last night
Genre of Music: christian
Color(s): purple
TV show(s): CSI
Movie(s): Pride and Predijutice
Food: apples
Store: Walmart!!!
#: 7
Drink: Coke 0
Clothing Brand: Americain egale
Shoe Brand: i dont have one
Animal: Dog
Pizza topping: Mushroom
Season: Summer
Month: Augest
Holiday: Christmas
Flower: Rose
This or That:
Sunny or rainy: Sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: night
Sour or sweet: sweet
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: Phone
Poor & happy or rich & miserable: Poor & happy
Looks or personality: personality
Coffee or tea: tea
Hot or cold: cold
Goal for this year: Be on honor roll
Most missed memory: its a guy
Best physical feature: Eyes
First thought waking up: aaaaa i wanna go back to bed
Do you wanna get married: of corse
Do you wanna have kids: yep
If so, how many: no more than 4
Do you wanna go to college: yep ABC
What do you want to be: Youth councler
Do You:
Dance in the rain: yep fun
Smoke: ewwww nooooo
Drink: noooooooo
Shower daily: every other
Like thunderstorms: yep
Curse: nope
Sing: yep
Play an instrument: nope
Think you are good looking: nooooopeee
Get along with your parents: yep
Other Questions:
Can you whistle: yep
Right or left handed: right
Your bedtime: dont have one
Biggest fear: being alone
3 things you can't live without: God, Friends, Family
Color of your room: Camle and white
Siblings: 2 sister
Middle name: Jennine
Pets: 2 dogs
Nicknames: Beth, Bethie, Beth friend
For or against gay marriage: Against!!!!!!!
Thoughts ..ion: Badddddd Baddddd!!!!!
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be: in west vergina
Do you wear contacts/glasses: glasses
Are you afraid of the dark: nope
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at
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