Life Of The Party profile picture

Life Of The Party

...My heart frozen, It don't even beat.

About Me

My name is STAN, but I got a coo couple AKAs. Born, raised, and resided in numerous parts of the Bay, but never strayed far from the Bridge. Physically indistinctive, uncontrollably average by sight. A young man at the age of 21. Curious and unexperienced, freshly submersed in reality.
Standard Non Conformist. Constantly vigilant of my surroundings, seeking new trends, innovations, mannerisms, and mindsets to incorporate into my own. Some people call it self conciousness, but I prefer to think of it as Perpetual Redefinition.
Clutching intentions of self perfection. Forever focused on personal enhancement and boundary breaking of all sorts. Voracious reader, intense bodybuilder, and (recently) dedicated student. Almost all of my time is spent simply improving myself, even if at the end of it all, I gain nothing more then the right to say, "I was the best man I could be."
Hopelessly taken by seemingly unfulfillable expectations of romance. Constantly seeking my better half disguised as another person. Taught by experience to be wary of potential bonds, though I haven't learned enough to avoid them completely. Hold unrealistic standards that are really only meant to be transcended by someone that won't meet them. Ultimately clueless as to how people simply find each other. Impatiently waiting for time to tell.
Realistic about life. Sometimes called pessimistic, but never by my own account. Attempt with all restraint to remain apathetic regarding trials and tribulations. Accepting of life's necessary balances and lessons, consciously enjoying the good while acknowledging the bad. Very aware of how big the whole picture is and just how small my scope covers, finding peace in my own irrelevance.
Damn. That shit came out mad stuffy. Lemme approach it from another angle.
- Chinaman from the Bay.
- Wild as a muthafucka, but don't get it twisted, I carry myself with commendable eloquence when necessary.
- Never less than a Gentleman when addressing ladies.
- Exhudes friendliness for the most part, but i'll hospitalize a man real quick.
- Verbal Frankenstein. Speech is composed of Vernacular you've never even heard of.
- Extremely concious of purpose in actions. The means are always defined by the ends.
- Led by logic. Ya'll call it "Emotionally Distant", I see it as, Incorruptible.

My Interests

(In no particular order.)

Hip Hop
The Female Body
Video Games
Marine Biology
Intellectual Debates
Roastin' Homeboys

I'd like to meet:

People with common interests.
People with priorities on lock.
People that enjoy intellegent debates.
People that see others as marshmellows.
People that can freely mold words into pictures.
People that are passionate about what they love.
People that support, rather then supress the goals of others.
People that can act a fool and not make people mad while doin it.
People with senses of humor that will break boundaries, not cross them.
People that speak of concepts and ideas, rather then others and events.

...and the future Mrs.Szeto ?



Huge music fan. HUGE.

Tastes almost always side with Hip Hop. Specifically Rap. The indescribable emotions and vibes conveyed by pure sound coupled with the intellectual expression of speech. Flawless.

Big fan of Midstream Rap. (Talib Kweli, Zion I, Hieroglyphics, Common, etc.) I feel that they have all the talent and charisma of Mainstream rappers without the burden of image to carry. Stressing over sales must have a huge toll on one's artistic abilities.
Zion I - Bird's Eye View

That's not to say that there isn't untainted gems in the Mainstream Rap scene. (Eminem, Nas, Tupac, the list goes on.) For the most part tho, I find the emotional/intellectual depth of most artists on the charts lacking.
T.I. - Prayin' For Help

Recently gained a taste for Westcoast Mob Rap. (Spice 1, Mob Figaz, MC Eiht,...) I say Westcoast in particular because it has a very distinct vibe and sound. I feel that other forms of Mob/Gangsta Rap celebrate the lifestyle as opposed to speaking on the past or just telling it how it is. (Well that's what the stuff I listen to talks about.)
MC Eiht - Streiht Up Menace

Got a soft spot for my Hyphy Shit. Can't nobody on the radio get you as hype as the folks in the Bay can. It does get a little tiring hearing it everywhere, but get into a club or a party and tell me you ain't got a sense of pride comin' from ya place of residence.
The Team - It's Gettin Hot

Big R&B fan. (Mario, Joe, Usher, Mariah Carey,...) Talented vocalization creates a nice smooth vibe that is really sort of addictive.
Chris Brown - Ain't No Way

Recently been getting into some Neo-Soul. (Lyfe Jennings, Goapele, Raphael Saadiq, John Legend,...) I must say i'm very impressed. This genre of music leaves me particularly susceptible to zone outs and sporadic bursts of appreciation.
Raphael Saadiq ft. Goapele, Ledisi - Different Times

Deep appreciaton for Acapella Songs. Really kind of dissapointed that no one makes this kind of music anymore, but I suppose you have to accept that things move in cycles.
Tension - Our Story (Acapella)

Recently found a love for Piano Instrumentals. Not to be confused with Piano Compositions. (Liszt... ew.) Mostly anime/video game themes or Piano versions of more recent music. Something about the simplicity of a Piano that keeps you listening for more.
Saiga Mitsuki - Tori No Uta

That's about it for my main tastes. Theres a couple gems from other genres that I mess with, but for the most part those are exceptions to rules. Nothing worth writing about.


So many to list....

A Time To Kill
A Chinese Odyssey Parts 1 and 2
The Patriot
Menace II Society
Coach Carter
Tai-Chi Master
The Last Samurai
Boyz In The Hood
Lilo And Stitch
Pirates of The Caribbean
Four Brothers
Requiem For A Dream


Mmm, i'm not a huge fan of television. When they do come on though, I enjoy watching Family Guy, Simpsons, Futurama, Becker, and King of Queens. Oh yeah, and lots of Animal Planet.

And when the Prison Break season 2 DVDs come out, it's gonna be a wrap for my TV and my eyes.


The Odyssey
The Art of War
Tao Te Ching
The Rose That Grew From The Concrete
48 Laws of Power is quickly growing on me and i've barely started it.

Stay tuned. This section should increase tenfold in a couple months.


The Kiwi.

My Blog

YO. Weapon for sale. (UPDATED 012507)

Item is completely sharpened.  NOT Battle ready.  Display only.Get at me if you interested.
Posted by Life Of The Party on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 01:47:00 PST

Musical Relief

T.I. - Prayin For HelpTupac - Better DaysNas - Drunk By MyselfGang Starr - Moment Of TruthNe-Yo - Let GoDilated Peoples - This WayTupac - One Day At A TimeTupac - Me Against The WorldTupac - Fuck The ...
Posted by Life Of The Party on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 12:11:00 PST


AYO.  It's that time of the year ya'll.  Summer. This last year has been particularly harsh on me in a number of ways, but for some strange reason, everything gets better soon as it hi...
Posted by Life Of The Party on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 01:36:00 PST

Saving Money.

I want to save money.  Doable? PS.  This is all going to be after May 27th.  I need them Maizes.   But anyways. -Stop buying clothes, or anything for that matter.  I got a LO...
Posted by Life Of The Party on Tue, 02 May 2006 09:40:00 PST

Playlist of the Day.

No Bullshit.  Just high quality music.  Comin straight to you from the iPod of EFC at Roche Molecular Diagnostics. Akia - California (Hip Hop Remix)Daniel D. - The TruthE-Nox - Flap My Wings...
Posted by Life Of The Party on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 09:22:00 PST

2 Sides To A Story.

I like this.    Thanks Trami! At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down. Finally, the guys' side of the story.We always hear "the rules" from the female side. Now here are the ...
Posted by Life Of The Party on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 09:46:00 PST


man i dont know why ... but like in the last month .. i juss been havin some ace ventura tendancies ...i want some pets cant do it in my current situation ... basically i could have whatever i want ....
Posted by Life Of The Party on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 11:22:00 PST

traiinnnn of thought

damn ... i been havin a bad string of days/weeks/months whatever you wanna call it ... everything is just a little less then perfect and i been thinkin bout it ... and im basically realizin what got m...
Posted by Life Of The Party on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 11:36:00 PST


i been noticin alotta dudes doin this ... but i think imma have to put down my view on it.............. so why is it that girls juss really dont like the nice guy ? i been tryin to figure it out for s...
Posted by Life Of The Party on Thu, 17 Nov 2005 09:16:00 PST