Some reviews:
"A record of intelligence & grace"
"It's hard to tell where Fripp & Eno ends & Quinn begins" - Hot Press
"Resilient, punchy & charming" - The Times
"Quinn is clearly fascinated by that space between the mid ‘70s and mid ‘80s when analogue synthesizers created the sound of dystopian futures that were both alarming and strangely alluring. Its elegant compositions bear a fragile mournfulness that hover in the consciousness like a memorable film soundtrack" - Milk Factory
Sean Quinn is an ex E.G. Records (Eno, Fripp, Budd etc.) artist.
SQ plays synthesizers (analogue & digital), e-piano, Mellotron & programmes sequencers & drum machines.
Plays live shows (no laptop) and has opened for The Orb, The Human League & Meat Beat Manifesto to name a few.
Was once told to "F*ck off!" by Rick Wakeman.
Was thrown off-stage for playing too loud at a festival.
"Skylines" is included in Nick Luscombe's (Resonance FM) in-flight mix CD for Singapore Airlines.
"Skyline" & "Loop Thereof" were used in Dutch filmaker Johan Aller's 2005 film "Identity" on the life of Nelson Mandela.
"Skyline" features in the 2008 European ski film "Aestivation".