Watashi wa Brandie desu♥ profile picture

Watashi wa Brandie desu♥

a thousand words turn to ash at such a sight...my beloved.

About Me

see you later space cowboy... "You might not know it when you look in her eyes. She's lived a lifetime watching herself die... "-Already Gone by The Luchagors
this is my story....

Oh it’s so c-c-c-controversial. My name is Brandie and I am 20. I was born August 19th 1987 making me your typical hyper and eccentric leo. I have several passions in this life and it is my sincere hope that I get to see them through. I believe in preserving our environment, knowing your rights, and listening to good music. A few of my other interest are listed in the area to your left. Notice I said these are a few of my interest. Generally I am a very open and laid back person. I am the most random person you will ever meet and I really like that about myself. I really can’t stand people who stereotype and judge. I have heard, “I wouldn’t think you’d be into (insert) so many times in my life I could scream! I have a wonderful, though sometimes clueless, boyfriend named Robert. I go to Northwest-Shoals Community College to get my basics in before I transfer to UNA to pursue my degree in whatever I choose to do lol. I am blessed to have not only possibly the best boyfriend a girl could wish for but the best friends I could wish for too. I still work at Home Depot (I've been there over a year!!!) and it pays the bills so I will save my complaints for my blogs. SO...to wrap it all up....I am not your average girl. I am not the girl next door. I'm a little weird, a little crazy, and a little opinionated. But, I like to think I am the type of person worth knowing. I certainly think I deserve a chance! So if you're reading this, and seem interested, send me a message! I'll be more than happy to chat or argue my point.
Love, Brandie quotes: “after....” Aldous Huxley, “starts a craze...”Okay I Believe You But, My Tommy Gun Don’t by Brand New
-noun-Classical Mythology. the first woman, created by Hephaestus, endowed by the gods with all the graces and treacherously presented to Epimetheus along with a box (originally a jar) in which Prometheus had confined all the evils that could trouble humanity. As the gods had anticipated, Pandora gave in to her curiosity and opened the box, allowing the evils to escape, thereby frustrating the efforts of Prometheus. In some versions, the box contained blessings, all of which escaped but hope.
Buried at PhotoCasket.com
Make Yourself
by Incubus
If I hadn't made me
I would've been made somehow
If I hadn't assembled myself
I'dve fallen apart by now
If I hadn't made me
I'd be more inclined to bow
Powers that be would have swallowed me up,
but thats more than I can allow
If you let them make you,
they'll make you paper-mache
At a distance your strong
until the wind comes,
then you crumble and blow away.
If you let them fuck you,
there will be no foreplay.
But rest assured
they'll screw you complete
'til your ass is blue and gray.
You should make amends with you.
If only for better health.
But if you really want to live,
why not try and Make Yourself?
If I hadn't made me
I'dve fallen apart by now
I wont let em' make me,
it's more than I can allow.
So when I make me
I wont be paper-mache.
And if I fuck me....
I'll fuck me in my own way.
Fuck me in my own way!
Fuck me in my own way!
Fuck me in my own way......
You should make amends with you
If only for better health.
But if you really want to live,
why not try and Make Yourself?
Make Yourself.
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My Interests

The awesome band La Petite Mort . acting/activism/animal rights/anime/art/Chinese food/gentlemen/graphics/Japan/manga/music/photography/poetry /reading/theater/wrestling/writing and so much more. I'm really just into absorbing life and everything it and everyone in it has to offer me. -Final Fantasy VII
-Final Fantasy VIII
-Final Fantasy X
-Final Fantasy X-2
-Final Fantasy XII
-Kingdom Hearts
-Kingdom Hearts 2
-Devil May Cry
-Devil May Cry 2
-Devil May Cry 3
-Devil may Cry 3:SE
-ALL WWE games since Smackdown
-Rumble Rose
- .Hack
-Grand Theft Auto:Vice City
....more to be added.
Limousine (MS Rebridge)

Hey, you're right get your petals out and lay them in the aisle
Pretend your garden grows and that it's your day to wed.
We found your man he's drinking up, he's all-american.
And he'll drive.
He's voluntarily graced to end your life,
He'll tidy up,
It's sad to hope leave your shell to us,
You explode,
You firefly, a tiny boat with all,
Further on the world tilts back and poison pours.
And so, your satellite.
You're a tidal wave, you're a big surprise.
And I, one more night to be your mother.

This signal's interrupts,
Maybe it's frequency's not strong enough.
It remade my hands and smile,
We will miss you but in time you'll get set up,
We will rise!

You're so free, yeah you were right about me,
Can I get myself back from underneath this guilt that will
crush me,
And in the choir i saw a sad messiah,
He was bored and tired of my laments,
'said I died for you one time but never again.

(never again)
Well I love you so much, but do me a favor baby don't
Because I can dish it out, but I cant take it.

(never again)
One'll love you so much, but do me a favor baby don't
Because I can dish it out, but I cant take it.

(never again)
Two'll love you so much, but do me a favor baby don't
Because I can dish it out, but I cant take it.

(never again)
Three'll love you so much, but do me a favor baby don't
Because I can dish it out, but I cant take it.

(never again)
Four'll love you so much, but do me a favor baby don't
Because I can dish it out, but I cant take it.

(never again)
Five'll will love you so much, but do me a favor baby
don't reply,
Because I can dish it out, but I cant take it.
(never again)
Six'll I love you so much, but do me a favor baby don't
Because I can dish it out, but I cant take it.

(never again)
Seven loves you so much, but do me a favor baby don't
Because I can dish it out, but I cant take it.

(never again)
I said loved you so much, but do me a favor baby don't
Because I can dish it out, but I cant take it.

I'd like to meet:

new friends with visions like me. but if you can't tell me what a chocobo is then NO...you cannot sit at my lunch table.

rock my world little country girl!
Leave me a comment:
you're easy breezy and i'm japanesey..

i love my bran


It's really hard for me to explain what music I like. I LIKE EVERYTHING. Anything I hear that catches my ear, dears. But I'll try to list a few people so you get the gist... La Petite Mort Cody McCrary, Dashboard Confessional, Brand New,Ac/Dc, The Eagles, Brookes and Dunn, Jade from Sweetbox, Koda Kumi, Gary Allan, Chris Cagle,The Killers, Phantom Planet, Johnny Cash, Jett, System of a Down, *Tool*, Shakira, Glay, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Utada, Fuel, Mudvayne, The Streets, Sting, The Police, Alejandro Sanz,Mya, Mariah Carey,The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Incubus,Fall Out Boy, Sugar Cult, Dark New Day, A Perfect Circle, Goo Goo Dolls, Miyavi 7 Seconds, Hinder, Disturbed, Blue Oyster Cult, Nittle Grasper, Lucifer, Jesus, Bad Luck Sublime, The Luchagors, Collective Soul, Alter Bridge, Bush, O.A.R., Edwin McCain, The Faders, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, Junior Senior, Slightly Stoopid, Dressy Bessy, Ray Lamontagne, Chali 2na, Flipsyde, Goldfrapp, The Veronicas, OK GO!, The F-Ups, Spiderbait, Dave Lichens, The Ken Oak Band, Matt White, Superchick, NIN, Augustana Lustra, Brokenfall, Red Jump Suit Apparatus, The Plain White T's, Lacuna Coil, Chevelle, Finger Eleven, Nonpoint, Leaves Eyes Cradle of Filth....mostly rock really.


Another random list! I like all kinds of movies. From love stories to Shakespeare remakes. Anything based on the Taming of the Shrew of Twelfth Night is for me! So...here we go!
Gone with the Wind, Fight Club, Oceans 11 & 12, American History X, Suicide Kings, American Beauty, LotR 1,2,&3, Pirates of the Carriabean, Freeway, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Selena, The 40-year old Virgin, Wedding Crashers, Transporter 1 & 2, Girl Fight, The Longest Yard, Bend it Like Beckham, My Best Friend's Wedding, Fools Rush In, Dogma, Mall Rats, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Secret Window, From Hell, Sweet Home Alabama, Donnie Darko, Cry Baby, Black Hawk Down (just cause Orlando Bloom is in it. jk it reminds me of Jesse) Shrek 1 & 2, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Queen of the Damned, Troy, The Last Samurai, House of Flying Daggers, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The Phantom of the Opera, A Walk to Remember, The Notebook (duh),Monster-in-Law, That Thing You Do, Forrest Gump, Center Stage, While You Were Sleeping, The Girl Next Door, American Pie 1,2,& 3. The Patriot, 10 Things I Hate About You, Knight's Tale, Vanity Fair, Chocolat, Little Nicky, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Big Daddy, Billy Madison, Something's Got to Give, Spanglish, Back to the Future, The Breakfast Club, Top Gun, Risky Business, Rain Man, I Am Sam, Grease, Pulp Fiction, Susie Q, The Power Ranger Movie ;p heheh can't beat classics, The Princess Diaries, Ever After, Never Been Kissed, Charlie's Angels, The King and I, West Side Story, Eyes Wide Shut :o hehehe, Armageddon, Jersey Girl, Orange County, Dazed and Confused,Scarface, Birdget Jones Diary, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, Walk the Line Kung Fu Hustle, Any of the anime movies on adult swim, Fast and the Furious, The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift, She's the Man, Green Street Hooligans...I'll add more later.


Monday Night Raw, Mindfreak, Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Futurama, The Simpsons, Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Outlaw Star, Tenchi in Tokyo, Gravitaion, Kimi wa Pet, Dragon Ball (Z, GT), King of the Hill, Walker Texas Ranger, Inked, Miami Ink, True Stories of the ER, Unsolved Mysteries, The Nanny, The Golden Girls(yeah, I know...don't say it) ,Golden Palace, I Love Lucy, The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Lucy and Desi Comedy Hour, Boy Meets World, Dog the Bounty Hunter (my fave!), Days of Our Lives, CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, Laguna Beach, Sweet Sixteen( I hate those bastards), The Real World, Friday Night Stand Up (especially Kevin James' set up Sweat the Small Stuff), The King of Queens, Friends, CSI, All in the Family, The Bob Newhart Show, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Real World vs. Road Rules, It's Good To Be..., Best Week Ever, The OC, !Ah My Goddess,...ugh can't remember.


A.I. Love You
Cowboy Bebop
Crescent Moon
Eerie Queerie
Fruits Basket
Get Backers
Love Hina
Sensual Phrase
Soul to Seol
Tramps Like Us
Tenshi Ja Nai!
Acctual Books: Gone with the Wind
After the Night
Kiss Me While I Sleep
The Lord of the Rings
The Sign Language Encycopedia
The Hobbit
The Extreme Zone series
The Everworld series
Hide this Spanish Book
Foley is Good
Of Mice and Men
Gulliver's Travels
A Tale of Two Cities
Crime and Punishment
The Price of Indescretion
The Raging Quiet
Ella Enchanted
Where the Red Fern Grows
Summer of the Monkey's
Now You See Her
Memoirs of a Geisha
Jemmia J
Mr. Maybe
The Devil Wears Prada
Adam Copeland on Edge
Lita-The R.O.A.D Less Traveled
Fahrenheit 451
The Giver


Amy Dumas, Maynard James Keenan, Jesse Lacey, and Brandon Boyd.

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My Blog

Letters from Far, Far Away

Far awayOn a distant planeYou're cradling my letterAnd whispering my nameBut, I can hear you.Life down here has gotten, pretty tameAll the colors run togetherSo bleak infinitely plainBut, I can see yo...
Posted by Watashi wa Brandie desu♥ on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 09:07:00 PST

Fidel Castro Resigns Cuban Presidency

Fidel Castro Resigns Cuban Presidency Posted: Tuesday 02/19/08 10:51 AM EST Filed Under: World News .. MOD: info_genericpromo - 314020 --> .. CubaVision TV / Reuters After almost 50 years...
Posted by Watashi wa Brandie desu♥ on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:36:00 PST

Would you like to see my ring?

What ring might that be you ask? Well the photo below is one of a nifty ring I found on Kay Jewlers website.     This is my valentines day present. It can be considered a promise ring unti...
Posted by Watashi wa Brandie desu♥ on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 09:18:00 PST

Brandie & Robert: Are they ment to be?

Brandie, your Heart's Desire is 18/9 You want to be of service to the world. Your deepest satisfaction comes from knowing that you have advanced the cause of humanity. Your ideals are of the highest ...
Posted by Watashi wa Brandie desu♥ on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 09:40:00 PST

a reply: you know who you are

do you remember the line in the song Simple and Clean that says "When we are older you'll understand..."? that is a very true line. lately a friend of mine has lost  a person they love very much ...
Posted by Watashi wa Brandie desu♥ on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 08:16:00 PST

The Year 2007 in Retrospect.

Yeah, I'm an ultimate nerd who loves school. I've been pretty down since my unplanned and unwanted hiatus this past semester. Not to say I've been down. I mean, I'm finally getting a little recognitio...
Posted by Watashi wa Brandie desu♥ on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 10:14:00 PST

so whats up with brandie?

not much really lol. moving out of quail run on the 11th. had some great times here but time to move on with the moving on. robert and i found a nice two bedroom apartment closer to UNA so that is out...
Posted by Watashi wa Brandie desu♥ on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 11:27:00 PST

i wanna know-a poem

bring me back downfrom the starsand from it alland lets see what's realbefore we claim to falla heart so gentleit's precious glasscould completely shatterwith a final smash i wanna know what's between...
Posted by Watashi wa Brandie desu♥ on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 04:50:00 PST

The Greatest Moment of My Life

what was it you ask? meeting ms. amy dumas. amy's been a hero of mine since her debut in 2000 and i was lucky enough to not only meet her, get a photo, and a cd but i got to chat a bit. i can't even b...
Posted by Watashi wa Brandie desu♥ on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 03:03:00 PST

Belly Dancing

coolness. so for those of you who didn't know i have started a belly dancing class. i've been going for about a month now and must say that it's definitly something i can see myself doing for a very l...
Posted by Watashi wa Brandie desu♥ on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 03:37:00 PST