lisetters. profile picture



About Me

i go by lisette.
i play love softball.
i love the 80s.
the music. the fashion. the culture. everything.
i love hanging with friends because mine are amazing.
i have a boyfriend and he is my everything.
my AIM sn is lisettersss.

so i had the chance to spend 10 days with an amazing family. they helped through one of the toughest times in my life and i cannot thank them enough for it. they also helped me find god in my life once again. i have become a new person and all because of them. i dont know what i would have done without them. and you guys know who you are. i love you guys. thanks!! =]

lisette, you are amazing. . .

My Interests


-going out to eat. [not fast food]
-the rain.

I'd like to meet:

i have met the people that have made my life amazing.

i love kelly james.impload_lyts


i LOVE music from the 80s.
i also like rock music and country.


my uncle yogi R.I.P January 10 2006!!
and my boyfriend.

ok also there is this girl. her name is kristin. she is absolutely amazing. she knows sooo much about me. maybe more than she should. . . lol. jk. well i met her not very long ago but i feel like ive known her forever. i know she is always there for me if i need someone. just as i am always there for her. she is amazing at softball. shes is hilarious. one of the funniest people i have ever met in my life. basically without her my life would flippin suck. im just soo sad we dont go to the same school. i miss her. well yeh so basically she is amazing. i love her so much. forever and always!!

My Blog

best friends having a little fun.

this is what happens when you stick two best friends together for a while. hahaha.                               ...
Posted by lisetters. on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 11:23:00 PST

R.I.P uncle yogi.

this is an old poem i wrote when my uncle died. i was pretty depressed then. im not anymore but jsut tell me what u think. please. i am open to any criticism. suicidal thoughts run through my head. i ...
Posted by lisetters. on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 01:28:00 PST