-going out to eat. [not fast food]
-the rain.
i have met the people that have made my life amazing.
i love kelly james.impload_lyts
i LOVE music from the 80s.
i also like rock music and country.
my uncle yogi R.I.P January 10 2006!!
and my boyfriend.
ok also there is this girl. her name is kristin. she is absolutely amazing. she knows sooo much about me. maybe more than she should. . . lol. jk. well i met her not very long ago but i feel like ive known her forever. i know she is always there for me if i need someone. just as i am always there for her. she is amazing at softball. shes is hilarious. one of the funniest people i have ever met in my life. basically without her my life would flippin suck. im just soo sad we dont go to the same school. i miss her. well yeh so basically she is amazing. i love her so much. forever and always!!