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The meaning of SUNTERRA is the gathering of fire and earth.
The relation between the sun and our home planet.
The unity of light and life ...
... light coming from the sun and life from our all mother, earth.
SUNTERRA's music follows these relations:
Agressiveness and melody, despair and hope are not opposing but melt each other to form a symbiosis.
So stay sharp...please check also
My Interests
Member Since: 28/03/2006
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Sei nicht traurig, wenn etwas vorbei ist - sei froh, daß es gewesen ist. Besagt eine alte Chinesische Weisheit!Sunterra machen eine Pause auf unbestimmte Zeit und sagen Danke."Wir haben viele Facetten... Posted by on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 14:42:00 GMT