DaNcE + mUsiC is My paSSion + cats + sEnBei + sEcRet ReCiPe + iCE cReaM + coKLat + dAyDrEaming + PooL
everybody in this world who got honesty to offer and guys...plezz bear wif my insanity... hehhehehe... coz i'm sexy notty n definitely cheeky...
teh taRiK cRew + B.E.P+ kRu+ LaurYn HiLL + B2K ( suDDeN FaN bcoZ of tHe MoViE ) +NsYnc+ LiNkiN ParK + SeaN PauL + GooD cHaRlotTe + dEWa + GLay + BuTTer + MuSe + the CRaNbeRrieS + Boyz II MeN + gReeNDay heHe...aNyThIng Laaa... No musIc.. No LiFe
you got served (wonder when i can get down like that..)+ cruel intention+save the last dance+Puteri Gunung Ledang...(support our local film)+trilogy of lord of the ring+jiang Hu+infernal affair+much much more to include.........i'm totally malas nak type rite now
charmed( best2.. season baru dah start)+two guys and a girl+love generation+my wife n kids+survivor+punk'd+wade robson project+sanay wala ng' wakas...(lovey dovey mood)+reality tv shows+70's show+everybody loves raymond+grounded 4 life+samarinda..(huh?)+MAN nyum +BLAST OFF..bla bla bla
anything that is considering entertaining.....
my mummy.... no words can describe how great she is....