It's a game - spin the Jeep. it's hours of endless fun. It is very similar to the original: Spin My Car found on kevin's site.
When I meet a new musician with common interests, usually I'm just oozing with admiration and have this compulsive drive to jam with them. Other than that, just good ole' nice people, fun people, mean people as long as they are nice to me, and uh... thats it.
Phil Brumley Band - I'd say Dave Matthews style with a touch of Caedmon's Call. Every once in a while we morph to a long bluesie/jazz groove {oooIE!}.David Cote Band - Hard rock, Classic rock, with a touch of blues. Careful... we'll scare ya if you get too close.
Matrix, Serenity, Star Wars (duh), most space Sci-fi...
Heros, House, Boston Legal, but I love Lost and Farscape. If someone wants to start a petition to get some new Farscape episodes back out there, let me know. I'll be the first to sign it. Or some more Firefly episodes... that one I miss too.
B-| Me no like books! Well, I manage to tolerate books on CD.
I like being SpiritBreaker, Razor, Naix, Centaur Warchief, Phantom Assassin, Clinks, Drow, and my personal new favorite - Bloodseeker!