JUMP are an enduring story in British Rock Music. We've toured with acts as diverse as Fish, Marillion,Midge Ure and The Whiskey Priests and appeared with Sam Brown, John Wetton, Samuel Eddy, Ethan Johns, IQ, Pallas, Glenn Tilbrook, The Blockheads, Wishbone Ash, The Crazy World of Arthur Brown etc etc etc.
During our seventeen years together we've performed more than a thousand shows including acoustic trios,unplugged extravaganzas,the lot.........................................................
...................................................On one memorable occasion we played at Abbey Road Studio 2 as guests of Decca for their Xmas Party...we've done the NEC as well demonstrating Martin Audio's line array pa system..12 people at the NEC!........................................................
.................................................Ranking amongst career highlights must be having Marillion keyboard player Mark Kelly produce our fourth album at Marillion's Racket Club studios.Of course three tours around the UK with FISH kept us on our toes and brought us to a wider audience...recently of course we've continued the tradition of opening for the Scots playing a series of gigs with icon MIDGE URE. There are twelve albums available via our website at www.jumprock.co.uk and there's another one on the way!!.......................................................
.................................................We are prolific writers as the album rollcall will testify although we no longer flog ourselves through the 100gig a year mark which characterised our early years.These days the full band can be seen pretty widely in the UK - we try and spread our geographical net so there's always a chance we'll be somewhere near you at some time........................................................
.................................................In the course of our history we've always staged 'events' and introduced our audience to new artists,many of whom have gone on to enjoy conspicuous success.The 'Horses Head Soup' events are a case in point.Keep checking the gig guides and don't forget to visit www.jumprock.co.uk...oh and get in touch with us....we're always on hand to answer queries whether business or fan based.Albums are available through our website www.jumprock.co.uk through secure online payment via paypal. You can also purchase tickets, Tshirts and other items such as dvd's!! so go check it out!!!!
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