On my quest to reach the mountain top, my feet ache from this eternal struggle. My eyes herald relief, I see the peek. I feel my heart begin to melt. Aeons of mastery have summoned me to this... chaordic moment of complete surrender. Cosmic energy ignites an angelic vortex. Burning away Maya's veil of illusion... duality... self... ego... separateness. I AM whole... HOLY... Worshipper of my own divinity. The pinnacle of my tantric embrace with beautiful mother Kali...explodes in a rapturous fire of purification. Orgasmic transmutations from a man-child into an epic Phoenix... ablaze with the integrated holonic bliss of existence. Holographic fractal of God electronic emerald tablet a liquid mirror... 21st century Moses coming down from the mountain. No childish commandments only pure love bombs & truth lasers. Will you see me... in you... if you dare to know your empty Self... I'll show you the secret, the way to the mountain top. Goddess' await you, take the trip...enjoy the ride, me.