Mike Brown and The Sneakies profile picture

Mike Brown and The Sneakies

"If I died how soon would you pack my things?"

About Me

So here’s the deal. I wrote a wish list of people I wanted on my record. Then I spent the last 5 years living out of the back of a van, driving around the country to get people to play on it. At this point it’s been recorded in all 50 states. I drove to 48 of them. Tried to drive to Alaska but the van died (I’ve gone through 2). Flew to Hawaii. Recorded a lot of it at truck stops and public parking lots out of the back of the van. The record is called “American Hotel”. It’s 22 songs long. I know that’s a lot, but it’s been 5 years. It should be out by the end of the summer. All told, there are 75 great Musicians on this thing. Look to the left of this note in Band Members. That’s everyone that plays on it (and the bands they’re in or were in). I’ll let you know when it’s finally is coming out. Thanks, MB 4/4/08...................................................... ............................................................ ...........  p.s. Check out www.myspace.com/geneseo and www.myspace.com/temperamentalrecording My other band and my studio, respectively.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/19/2004
Band Website: thesneakies.com mikebrown.org
Band Members: Mike Brown & The Sneakies “American Hotel” The new record featuring:Artis The Spoonman (Frank Zappa) Andy Creeggan (Bare Naked Ladies) Artimus Pyle (Lynyrd Skynyrd) Alan Weatherhead (Hotel Lights) Avalon Peacock (Mechanical Bull) Bill "Smitty" Smith (Denim Family Bnad) Blair Sinta (Alanis Morissette) Brian Rosenworcel (Guster) Bruce Milner (Every Mother's Son) Caitlin Cary (Whiskeytown) Chasen Hampton (Chasen Hampton) Chase Pierson (Mechanical Bull) Chris Trapper (The Push Stars) Chris Zaloom (Chris Zaloom) Chris Vrenna (Tweaker) Curt Kirkwood (Meat Puppets) Dana Colley (Morphine) Dave Brockie (Gwar) Dave Pirner (Soul Asylum) David Immergluck (Counting Crows) David Lowery (Cracker) David Matheson (Moxy Fruvous) Dave Savage (Dave Savage) Derek Swenson (Roses Pawnshop) Don Coffey (Superdrag) Eamon Ryland (The New Left) Eddie Kramer (Jimi Hendrix) Elaine Summers (Elaine Summers) Eyvind Kang (Bill Frisell) Freedy Johnston (Freedy Johnston) Gary Burke (Bob Dylan) Garth Hudson (The Band) Hershel Yatovitz (Chris Isaak) Isobel Campbell (Belle and Sebastian) Jay Bennett (Wilco) Jeff Foskett (Brian Wilson) Jen Gunderman (The Jayhawks) Jerry Augustyniak (10,000 Maniacs) Jerry Marotta (Peter Gabriel) Jim & Dani Lacey-Baker (Walkie Talkie) Jimmy Goodman (Leopard Studios) John Davis (Superdrag) John Morand (Sound Of Music) John Regan (Peter Frampton) Joie Calio (Da Da) Josef Pelletier (Fantom Frequency) Kay Hanley (Letters to Cleo) Kyle Cook (Matchbox Twenty) Lew (The Sneakies) Marc Dauer (Jukebox Junkies) Mark Smidt (Denim Family Band) Matt Chamberlain (Tori Amos) Matt Rafal (The Brightwings) Miguel Urbiztondo (Maki) Mike Brown (The Sneakies) Peter Distefano (Porno For Pyros) Pete Droge (The Thorns) Rami Jaffee (The Wallflowers) Rebecca Schroeder (Rebecca Schroeder) Richard Llyod (Television) Robby Takac (Goo Goo Dolls) Rob Brill (Pete Droge and The Sinners) Scott McCaughey (Minus 5) Sean Hurley (Vertical Horizon) Sebastian Steinberg (Soul Coughing) Sebastian St. John (Roses Pawn Shop) Shilah Morrow (Sin City) Soda (Soda And His Million Piece Band) Steve Berlin (Los Lobos) Stu Schulman (Willie Nelson) Tim Easton (Tim Easton) Tim Jones (Old Pike) Tony Lucca (Tony Lucca) Tony Lunn (Tony Lunn) Zac Decamp (Geneseo)
Influences: See "Sounds Like"
Sounds Like: A bit of everyone who plays on the record.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

10/22/07 a smart monkey doesnt mess around with another monkeys monkey!

that's what it said on the matchbook from darwin's theory, the bar I got a bottle over my head at in anchorage alaska a few weeks ago. wish i'd seen it before the bottle. i've been all over the place...
Posted by Mike Brown and The Sneakies on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 09:35:00 PST

5/24/07 Los Angeles

So here's an email I sent to a friend a few minutes ago. Miss you guys...Hey,I'm in LA. Funny, The new pic was taken about an hour after I got out of LA county jail. The cops were fucking with some...
Posted by Mike Brown and The Sneakies on Thu, 24 May 2007 02:30:00 PST

2/4/07 My Great Grandfathers Wedding...

Leaving for the West Coast tommorow morning.  Driving from here (Geneseo) to LA.  Tried on my old tux from high school prom.  not a chance in hell of it fitting.  So I checked thru...
Posted by Mike Brown and The Sneakies on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 05:59:00 PST

1/30/07 On the road, The Grammys...

So I'm going out on the road soon. I'm joining my friends Soda and Roses Pawnshop for a bunch of shows starting in February. Check them out in my top friends. PLEASE take a minute to check out the da...
Posted by Mike Brown and The Sneakies on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 09:01:00 PST

11/21/06 Last nights Blog...

Was a fucking joke!  Seriously,  I'm sorry if some of you were offended.  I shouldint be allowed around a computer when I drink like that. Wow...  you guys came out of the woodwork...
Posted by Mike Brown and The Sneakies on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 04:12:00 PST

Why I'm a bad friend... Boston

... Mostly because I have no idea that I'm being one.  At a friends cousins house in Philly right now drinking alone while everyone sleeps.  Been on the road since I wrote that last blog.&nb...
Posted by Mike Brown and The Sneakies on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 02:00:00 PST

8/7/06 Even shaved my beard...

Soooo... September is 4 years I've been working on this record.  I honestly lack the ability to put what that feels like into words.  I'm tired guys.  I want to be playing shows again,&...
Posted by Mike Brown and The Sneakies on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 02:15:00 PST

5/31/06 Seattle

So i'm back in the northwest for at least a week getting a few sessions for the record finnished up. I'm so fucking tired of the road right now but I feel like one final push of recording will really...
Posted by Mike Brown and The Sneakies on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 04:11:00 PST

5/15/06 Still in LA

so SunsetStrip.com has me up as their featured artist this week. I did an interview and played some songs. In my opinion the performance is not one of my best but you might like it. I was a bit dru...
Posted by Mike Brown and The Sneakies on Mon, 15 May 2006 01:34:00 PST

4/13/06 Same Whiskey, Different Jim...

Tommorow at The Mint...I'll be playing a show. Some fine people who played on the record will be joining me. There's also a press thing happening at 5pm (also at the mint) where a bunch of people who ...
Posted by Mike Brown and The Sneakies on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 02:27:00 PST