Geocaching, camping, hangin' with the family, and road trips with Red.
Lucien Dasilva, the oldest person alive if I can't time travel. Otherwise, Benjamin Franklin.
I love it all..... Jazz, Rock, Metal, Ethnic, Hip-Hop, Dance, Techno, Rave!! I like anything that doesn't talk about abusing women, shooting cops, or murdering people.
American Psycho, Forrest Gump, brain hurts. I love way too many movies to try and list them.
24, Survivor and Big Brother, Survivorman, Battlestar Galactica (new one), M*A*S*H, Andy Griffith Show, Lost, Ultimate Fighter, NFL Football!
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harry Potter series :-) .... Dean Koontz's Life Expectancy, Old Man and the Sea. Way too many to mention.
My Mom