I'm hopelessly meandering and rather highly strung but i like to think in a good way - as i usually know how to take a joke - if i'm listening.
As for the songs I'm not a professional in any way but I've written a few, and I thought it would be nice to get opinions on them from people who are not either morally obligated to "big me up to the max" or - let's face it - drunk.
I've always loved making up wee songs, my first was a mad catchy ditty when beauty and the beast came out that went "garcon, cool song, give me five in the motion yeah" followed a few years later by a song using the samba beat on my brother's yamaha keyboard slowed down that had unknowing incest insinuating lyrics in it: "you know we were made for each other, our love is like a sisters and a brothers". Totally innocent and unassuming but nonetheless not overly cool.
Then me and my friend nadia pounded out a few tunes at around about 15. They were all very dramatic with harmonies that sound like we were dying but we loved it at the time. "chilled guts" was a particular favourite of that fantastic era.
I then went to university and made friends with one of my flatmates by banging out a horrific rendition of alisha's attic "I am I feel" while my eyes were crossed and I had to pause every five seconds to get the next chord. When I apologised to her for this the next day she said she had found it rather hilarious and (inexplicably) didn't seem to want me to get tae france - I took this as a cue to steal her guitar every other day and slowly build up my repertoire (pfah).
Then I made the astounding and disappointing discovery that most songs require BARR CHORDS - something which I can only do now on certain guitars and certainly couldn't do it back then. (this may have something to do with the fact my hands are like octopuses on the end of sticks, as I was kindly informed by my piano teacher). ANYWAYS I decided it best to make up my own wee songs - and i DID. then i played them at some open mic nights and a terribly misguided drunken performance at "pitch" band night at the Dundee union where the reaction was pointedly not "you were good" but "you were brave". shocking.
I initially made a cd of my tunes for my excessively proud and slightly deluded ('you're better than queen you are' (not a direct quote but you get the idea)) mum in the 2nd carpeted recording studio in dundee art school. not the first oh no. She somehow managed to conquer technology enough to make copies of it and hand it out to family and family friends which mortified me in ways i can't even put into words. To rectify this situation i have started to record songs onto my mac and stick them on here not letting them get anywhere near my mother or a cd copying device. Some humiliations are best left in the past! At least all embarrassments are at my discretion now, that's how i like to roll.
Last year I played two (TWO! count them!) excellent fun gigs. They were real life gigs with amps and microphones and everything. This year I hope to do more but am indcredibly feart of arranging them myself. But if someone asked I'd probably play on top of spaghetti, all covered in cheese, even after having lost my poor meatball, when somebody sneezed. Not that I'm easy or nuffink.
Probably worth mentioning that I am aware i canny really play the guitar. In recognising this i hope you'll in turn recognise that that's not really the point for me. Good thing too as i'd be buggered if it was. What is the point i hear you cry. Chatting about lads with some degree of insight? Truth is i don't know, i just like it, some folk i know like it too and i hope others also will as this is an opportunity for me to see what people who aren't legally bound to love me no matter what think of my songs.
You can also find me here, download tunes n'that
be gentle. or. not.
annie x
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