Mike profile picture


The lids coming off son.....

About Me

Lets see, what can I say about myself??? First off, 50% of you will hate my guts right from the start, why? Because I Love my country and God very much and if you are one of those left wing panty wastes that follow the likes of Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan, The ACLU, or Rosie (fat ass dyke) O’donell. Than odds are you are going to hate me. America welcomes all points of views, I don’t. It is all Black and White and anyone with I.Q. above a dog turd can see it clearly. These ungrateful little crybabies have the right to trash their own country and they do not understand WHY they have this right. It was not from "The freedom of speech" it came from the ability to drop a bomb on someone head whenever we needed to. So take your Half caff mocho latte and your dumb ass backpack and go lay down in front of a tank, or better yet, let one of these towel heads kidnap you, then you can show the whole world via "Al Jazeera t.v." how well your "Give piece a chance" bullshit... works out for you while they are cutting your head off with a knife.Anyway, to the rest of you, Love ya, come on in and visit my site

My Interests

Try This link and watch the whole video. If you dont like it....I hope that you get shot in the head.....enjoy !!!http://www.flashdemo.net/gallery/wake/index.htmI have not done this in a while, but I Love Flipping Houses and making a little money off of the deal. I have never enjoyed myself more than when I was doing this. I would do it for free,but the money is nice so I would not turn it down. I also like to watch my shows on T.V.... And one of my favorite past times is playing Uno with my wife Tanya. Even though she is the biggest pain my ass, she is also the most important thing in my life...except for "The Office...and 24" but she is a very close 2nd. Also, I love to hang out with my crew. I only get to see them on the weekends, but it is the HIGH point of my week.

I'd like to meet:

If I did not know them already....I would have said Amy and Lauren. They are both pretty and a lot of fun to hang out with. Amy is my Niece so I will cut your fucking throat if you try and hook up with her but Lauren is fair game so the line starts after chris.Michael Moore ( Just to kick his fat ass )Al Sharpton.....(Don King in a suit) What a piece of shit!Cindy Sheehan ( Slap her whore ass)Oliver North (Shake his hand)The Olsen Twins ( You know that you want to meet them) I would love for them to make out and let me tape it.The Kentucky Headhunters (Because you counld not find a better group of guys and the music rocks)


You Will Die at Age 55
Not bad, considering your super wild lifestyle
Want to live longer? Try losing a few bad habits. What Age Will You Die?
You Are 58% Evil
You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.
Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination. How Evil Are You?


Saw and Saw part 2 / The Terminator / Something about Marry / Halloween / 40 year old virgin / Debbie does Dallas.


24 ( I am hooked on this show) Lost/ Prison Break/Family Guy


Jesus....Um Duh.Ronald Reagan / U.S. Military / The Bushes /

My Blog

Protect the borders...no matter what.

Subject: Let's say I break into your house A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials in ages!! It explains things better than all the baloney you hear on TV. Recently large demonstrations hav...
Posted by Some many liberals, so few bullets. on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 10:32:00 PST

Mexican Boycott Day

Mexican Boycott Day How can you tell the difference? Low crime? No traffic? People all over town speaking English?   Whats the worst that will happen...If I called the bank today to check on some...
Posted by Some many liberals, so few bullets. on Mon, 01 May 2006 08:48:00 PST