Sept. 2007.
sorry to tell it to you, but The Silver Shine won't play gigs
until the mid of October. Rolee has got a long hospital maintenance
since Rude To Hell Festival because of his lungs. He is in hospital
for a month already. We hope he will go home in the next couple
of days and he will have a fast recovery. He will need a lot of
time for his entire recovery!
Thanks for your appreciation!
szeptember 2.
Sajnálattal kell közölnöm, hogy kb. október
közepéig nem koncertezik a Silver Shine. Roleenak
a Rude To Hell fesztivál óta elhúzódó
kórházi kezelése van a tüdeje miatt.
Már lassan 1 hónapja kórházban van.
Reméljük, hogy a napokban hazamehet és hamarosan
meggyógyul. A teljes felépüléshez hosszú
idõre van szüksége!
Köszönjük a megértéseteket!
This is the 2nd full-length of this kick-ass Hungarian Psychobilly trio.They are stronger than ever and this 15-song psychobilly attack is theevidence. Besides fast, head-cutting tunes, they have some psycho ballads,an intro featuring Pete form the furious psycho band named GORILLA and twocover songs. One of them is a killer version of "Mercy" originally by thelegendary duo, COLLINS KIDS from the fifties and the other cover is an oldHungarian language punk hymn. So Hungary is definitely back on thepsychobilly map! This album kills! Ltd. edition vinyl!!
written by Lajcsi
THE SILVER SHINE formed in Budapest on the summer of 2004 with the main goalto take some pleasing minutes / hours / years for the fans of psychobilly,punk and rockabilly music. All the members had experience in active bandsbefore they formedTthe Silver Shine, so it wasn't a problem for them to workhard in the band. Ati Edge - guitar/vocals, Rolee Shine - drums(standing-drums since their first international tour!!!) and their firstdouble-bassist started the rehearsals, who changed during the years to FrenkSet who is active in the Hungarian psychobilly scene for more than tenyears.
They recorded their first EP in February 2005 and it came out as 7" onCOMMITMENT RECORDS in The Netherlands during the summer of 2005. The debutEP contains 6 songs and it shows you the punk side of the band. After acouple of serious shows the band went to studio in November 2005 to recordtheir first full-length. Their first full-length album titled "NIGHTMARE"came out on CD by the German label called CRAZY LOVE RECORDS. This albumincludes 14 songs and follows the psychobilly path including punkabillyroots. The gigs / gig-invitations multiplied after their debut album and theband went to stage with bands like MAD SIN, The METEORS, REZUREX, KLINGONZ,PEACOCKS, The PHANTOM ROCKERS, DEADLINE, etc. in Hungary and in the abroad.The first European-tour of The Silver Shine had happened in the September of2006 as "Nightmare Tour" and the guys showed the Hungarian derring-do inSpain, France and Germany. The welcome of the band was very good and theyhave got very good criticism everywhere.
After some hard months in rehearsal room the band has recorded their secondfull-length album. It will be out also by the meanest psychobilly labelnamed CRAZY LOVE RECORDS in these days as CD and LP titled "DON'T TRUST THEGIRL WITH THE CHAINSAW". The record contains 15 songs, a Hungarian languagecover song among other tunes and a wild psychobilly version of "MERCY"originally written by the famous American duo called COLLINS KIDS from thefifties.
After the studio recordings the band went to a west-bound tour again andthey made it in Czech Republic, Germany and The Netherlands. In the May of2007 The Silver Shine will be the first outlandish band in the mothercountry of the legend Count Drakula to show to the Romanian ghouls what thehell is the psychobilly.
.....so keep your eyes open! THE SILVER SHINE is coming.......