Eva Braun Ist Tot profile picture

Eva Braun Ist Tot

About Me

Rachel de Joode, fashion photographer, and Edwin Brienen, film director, rose from the dark caverns of Berlin underground and combined their forces in a new, fatalistic art collective, Eva Braun Ist Tot.
Indistinctively provocative, across trends. Joined together by a mutual obsession for the darker depths and cliches of human life, the duo serves you an apocalyptic mixture of hypnotism, existentialism, nihilism, cynicism, anarchism, sex and war. Multimedial as hell, they bring you the soundtrack of the dark night, but will never the play the records you expect. Avantgarde and vulgar at the same time. Inspired by the great masters like Huysmans, Baudelaire and De Sade, Eva Braun Ist Tot tempts to create an atmosphere with music you normally refuse to hear. Visually accompanied by projected short films with different themes. Styled as a couple from another dimension. The highest values will devalue themselves, so Eva Braun Ist Tot constitutes a total assault on reality. They don't take requests!
De Joode and Brienen are currently working on a debut single. You can check out their seperate works through www.racheldejoode.nl and www.edwinbrienen.com. This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5

My Interests


Member Since: 28/03/2006
Band Website: www.evabraunisttot.com
Band Members: Rachel de Joode
Edwin Brienen
Type of Label: Major

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