L♥i♥V♥S profile picture


kWeEn LiVia saYs,**tHe LorD seNt yOu tO Me fOR a pUrpOsE anD thaT ReasOn iS lUv aNd groWtH aNd foR t

About Me

*moMMy anD pOps..ThiS iS waT tRuE lUv lOOkS LiKE* *FAMILIES R FOREVER* ...aUnTy LiVia LuVS yOU baBy TeEToL wIt aLL maH heaRt..sHe eVeN gOt cLeVaGe LiKe auNty

My Interests

*maH rooMieS aN mE**mE sMokE aN jaY**uS gIRLs aT tHe baRbQ iN uTaH..sO mUch fuN..I miSS thEM*
How you really say "I love you." by lenatheraven
...believe in true love?
Your hands say We fit together.
Your eyes say I'm so lucky.
Your hugs say This is where you are meant to be.
Your kisses say I am addicted to you.
Your body says I just want to hold you.
Your heart says I love you.

Quiz created with MemeGen !

I'd like to meet:

*I lUv AnD mIsS yOu tEEToL* **iF LuV iS baSeD oN fAiTh tHeN 2 LuV is 2 Be FaitHfUL**


*HeS muSiC 2 Me HeS aLL tHaT i waNt LiFes bEEN a BleSsiNg siNcE hE caMe aLoNg*


ChiCk fLicKs aNd pReTty muCh anYtHinG that wiLL keePs MeeH iNtResTeD..


MusIc vIdEos..MtV..bet...laGuna BeacH thE hIlLs..RealItY tV shows aNd soMetImes CarTooNs lOl..Oh aNd caNt foRgEt liFeTimE oR oxygeN..


iF i reaD..I lIke..JacK weYLanD booKs..


My mOmMiE anD sIsTer cRystal TakemoTo

My Blog

*guys you need a reality check*

So guys always talk about im a pimp and i got these hoes but when they want something more they complain about not being able to find that right gurl that will stick by them no matter wat and always b...
Posted by L♥i♥V♥S on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 03:50:00 PST