"our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. it is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us! we ask ourselves, who am i to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? actually, who are you not to be?! your playing small doesn’t serve the world. there’s nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. we are all meant to shine!! and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others!!" – nelson mandela
so a bit about me... i'm 22 years old & live in good old sunny brissy! i love having fun, laughing, going to the races, joking around, and just enjoying life in general!!! now that i'm getting older though, i'm more of a homebody - kind of over the whole clubbing thing at the moment(*shock horror!*) this intensified after i got a parking ticket the last time i went out :( however, i still don't mind going out on the odd occasion!i couldn't live without my boy of 4 years darren, my awesome family and my friends!!! :) love you tigers so much! thanks for putting up with my famous "bitchy moods"!i love trying out crazy things, like skydiving and bungy jumping - i so want to do both again! if you haven't done either i suggest you do so asap!! i also love travelling! can't wait till we hit the uk & europe next year!!i'm currently learing how to play the guitar (and not doing very well might i add)! i can do the first bit of stairway to heaven, yay! haha! i would love to learn how to surf and speak spanish, french and tagalog!
photos of me & my hot, sexy biatches!!!
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cruise / cocktail partay pics!!
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