i am fucking really cool.
everybody likes me.
a priest once told me, "you're either a genius, or completely fuckin nuts."
this is my livejournal.
>>>>>>>>>>> miltownrob.livejournal.com
i'm trying to make an effort to write in it again.
feel free to talk as much shit as i am.
i'm already washed up.
i fought a goblin on halloween once. some would argue that it was a troll. i still say goblin.
i'm not really down with make-believe friends, so unless i know you and we are genuinely friends, i will probably not add you as a friend. unless you are really hot or you scare me, that'll get you in as well.
are you afraid of vampires?
"a man who wishes to act entirely up to his professions of virtue soon meets with what destroys him among so much that is evil."