clean and sober L I V I N. I know, wild, right?
crazy. Lover, not a fighter (doesn't mean I can't). HIGHLY intuitive... i can read people's thoughts and a lot of times I'm able to verbalize their thoughts better than they could. Like if someone's trying to explain something, I'll finish the sentence and they respond with, "...exactly." This happens all the time. It might be annoying, sorry if it is. I pride myself on my awareness, both of myself and others. Trying to stop negative thought and behavior before they happen, rather than just recognizing it after the fact. always consider all sides to every story. hypersensitive and defensive but empathetic. talks a lot, and really fast. i get along with everyone i meet; if we've just met it won't be long 'til you feel like you've known me forever. I keeps it REAL, always. Learned to keep hopes high but expectations low. Forgive and forget way too easily. My aspiration in life is to be a positive influence in the lives of everyone I meet. confidence is EVERYTHING. you only live once, so take advantage of every opportunity. Worst feeling: missing out on something and wondering, "what if...?" Really, really good at figuring people out, knowing how to react to them in every situation: I can relate to everyone on at least 1 level, usually more. Love intelligent conversation and mental stimulation of all kinds, but hate to argue.