About dis boi here. Im a 20 yr old nigga just tryin to make another quick dolla like tha otha nigga. Im out here tryin to get my foot in tha doe of the entertainment bizz. Im gonna be that next big produca like my cuz M16 makin dem beatz. Beat King of Atlanta right now holla at that nigga. Much Love cuz. But shyt dis nigga gonna rep bama and tha OTC til tha end. We gonna do dis. We knockin niggas out and layin these hoes down. Holla at us if you think you can handle us. Shout out to dem Hustlen Friends. AOGz and BDNC we gonna do dis On DatAAAIIIGGGHHHHTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!! BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI Click here to make Falling Objects BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI BAMA BOI
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