Sports (not including hockey & soccer), going to the beach, playing guitar, singing, xboxing, reading, napping, deep sea Yugoslavian folk dancing, cruisin' in the minivan
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Chris Tomlin, David Crowder, 80's & 90's stuff that other people wouldn't listen to (Poison, Bon Jovi, Billy Joel, Elton John, Tim McGraw, Chicago, Eagles, Richard Marx, OK this is a little embarrassing)
Remember the Titans, Frequency, Dumb and Dumber, Tommy Boy, Waterboy, you get the picture
Sports (mostly football), American Idol, and last but certainly not least: Kim Possible
Velvet Elvis, Anything Andy Stanley writes, Anything Max Lucado writes, Anything Dr. Suess wrote, the first few chapters of the book my brother John is slowly writing
Jesus, my amazing wife Casey (don't think for a second that it's easy being married to me), John (my big brother), Paul Miceli (my big brother from another mother), Terry Thibodeaux (he's not big but I really look up to him), my Mom (BIG influence on my life), my Dad (Big sports hero), Rob Bell, Andy Stanley, Doug Fields (those last three are my BIG ministry heroes)