Ashley profile picture


Does something smell like...Blue Spruce?

About Me

I'm a despot in training...but besides that...I sing in the car without dancing and dance in the shower without singing. I'll buy a latte just for the foam or chinese food purely for the fortune. I envy housecats on too many levels to even express. Who wouldn't want retractable claws? I bite (no, like literally...and really hard). I feel strongly that everyone should be tied in front of ESPN until they can properly identify an illegal screen and explain the infield fly rule. I wish that Halloween came twice a year, but no more--I wouldn't want it to lose an of its weight. Competition is my lifeblood. I am generally of the mind that more is more, especially in regard to shoes.Oh, and as an aside...I don't friend any random requests. At least have the nerve to message first. a

My Interests

Zombie contingency plans, Rockin' the suburbs, Shoes (because I really need the extra height), Indie Pop, Brains (for scientific and culinary purposes...), College Basketball, Life Achievement know all the generic interesting stuff...

I'd like to meet:

Um...I would really like to meet someone who can help me accomplish my life goal...climbing an elevator shaft. No seriously, how cool would that be?! Let's see... anyone who has superpowers--maybe a vampire... no zombies though, that is too freaky and totally not hot. I'm not sure if it is the rotting skin, milky dead eyes, or tendency to try to eat my flesh, but they really don't do it for me. (sorry, tangent...) Oh yeah, and anyone who plays for the Blue Devils! Other than that--smart, liberal, cool people who can restore my faith in mankind...


Violent Femmes, Simon & Garfunkel, Bowie, Tullycraft, Elysian Fields, Pulp, Everything Ben Gibbard, EITS, Tussle, Jay-Z, Bloc Party, Kissing Tigers, Chris Isaak, Classic Madonna, Spalding Rockwell, Stephen Lynch, Rufus Wainwright, Paul Curreri, Fiona Apple, The Ordinary Boys


Shaun of the Dead, Boondock Saints, So I Married an Axe Murderer, Princess Bride, All Over the Guy, Fight Club, Super Troopers (I mean.. I AM from VT), Pulp Fiction, Psycho, The Cutting Edge, Moulin Rouge, Evil Dead, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Shining, Se7en, Wayne's World, Donnie Darko, Empire Records, Kill Bill, BioDome, anything Jane Austen...


The 4400, Family Guy, Grey's Anatomy, House, Scrubs, The O.C., The Daily Show, Conan, ...oh, my guilty pleasure: American Idol


US Weekly (or Star if I am desperate), Fahrenheit 451, Diary, Nine Stories, Interview with a Vampire, the Shining...OH, and Harry Potter


Ferris Bueller, you're my hero.

My Blog

This *should* be obvious...

If you are not willing to leave a tip, don't go to a sit down restaurant.  There are tons of fantastic fastfood options. Your server makes about $3 an hour and, believe it or not, they are workin...
Posted by Ashley on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 10:51:00 PST

Maybe all professions should come in liquid form...

Liquid Plumr is now my new best friend.  Granted, there is now (most likely) one more radioactive-sludge spawned sewer creature, gaining strength for the inevitable day when it starts pulling chi...
Posted by Ashley on Fri, 25 May 2007 12:10:00 PST

Wake up call...

I had the lovely experience of waking up 7 minutes before I needed to work today.  Somehow I had missed my alarm and overslept by...oh 8.5 hours.  I jumped out of bed, threw on my work cloth...
Posted by Ashley on Thu, 24 May 2007 01:35:00 PST


Thursday is going to be stressful...not only do I have an important job interview....I also have a first official date.  Talk about being under the gun all day long.  I hope I remember to br...
Posted by Ashley on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 11:20:00 PST

the right direction

As much fun as I have been having waitressing and blowing off the idea of actually applying myself, I took a good step yesterday.  I applied to a real job.  Go me.  Who knows...maybe I ...
Posted by Ashley on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 07:34:00 PST

just like that...

Apparently I am a better applicant than I thought...I have an interview on Thursday. Now to see if it is a job that I actually want!
Posted by Ashley on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 12:56:00 PST

Rockin' the ghetto my apartment is so busted that even the roughest, toughest chicks I know are like..."Damn, you live THERE??".  I am makin' the most out of it, and loving it.  I have it almost fixed ...
Posted by Ashley on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 01:06:00 PST

Kickin' me when I'm down

You know what is the perfect addition to a week in which you lose your phone, drop out of school (and thereby lose your paycheck) and have to go see cops and doctors??  A flat tire on the way to ...
Posted by Ashley on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 03:08:00 PST


And sometimes.....You drop out of Grad School.  Yeah.....
Posted by Ashley on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:58:00 PST


Tomorrow is election day...I am as anxious as a 4 year old on Christmas Eve.  Here's to taking back Washington!! 
Posted by Ashley on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 08:34:00 PST