michelle<in love...♥> profile picture

michelle&lt;in love...♥&gt;

I am here for Friends

About Me

still underconstruction

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michelle, i love you!

I am Michelle Stern.
I'm a senior at Caney Creek High School.
I'm in the Mighty Band from Panther land.
I have the sweetest friends that I know I
can't live without.
I also have the most fantastic boyfriend.
I love him with all my heart, I don't want anyone else.

1.Kenneth♥ 2.Rosa♥ 3.Erika♥ 4.Gloria♥ 5.Heather♥ 6.Nathan♥ 7.Candance♥ 8.Elizabeth♥ 9.Megan♥ 10.Ashley♥ 11.Robert♥ 12.Diamond♥

My Interests

i'll love kenneth with all my heart forever♥


my girlfriend, my love[r], my true friend.

She is the most beautiful person I ever met. Erika will cheer you up when you're sad, give as many hugs as you need. She is my lighthouse, when I need help I run to her and she'll guide me to safty. She will always be my best friend, I don't know anyone else that can ever replace her. she is my heart.
I love you Erika.