MySpace Profile Help!
I work at a small computer networking company called ABHNS (Advanced Business and Home Netorking Solutions) located in Appleton, WI. We specialize in wireless and wired networking solutions. We also do commercial webdesign and custom programming solutions in VB.
I'm the ARRL Affiliated Club Coordinator for Wisconsin. A role that I'm truly enjoying. It's very much a give and take position. There are alot of good things going on with Amateur Radio in Wisconsin. We just need to blow are own horn a little louder.
I'm involved in the FCARC (Fox Cities Amateur Radio Club, Inc.) as a Volunterr Examiner (VE) as well as being very active with the ARRL. I'm ussually on the HF bands mobile either on 20 or 40 meters. Where I run a Texas Bugcatcher thats rather large at 13 ft 6 inches to the tip. Just running barefoot (100 Watts) with a antenna like that you don't need power. AWARDS include: 3 band WAS, DXCC, WAC, WAZ
In my spare time you can find me volunteering for EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) and for two weeks every year living in Oshkosh during EAA Airventure. Where I'm a Vice-Chairman. I love flying as much as I can. There is nothing like running aeronautical mobile.