Motorcycles(MUSCLE BIKES) , hotrods, the smell of gunpowder, army combatives, UFC, PRIDE, k-1. And BBQ that is so good it will make you slap yo mama!!!! But most of all is MY FAMILY and good peoples around me, my friends , you surround your self with good people and life will be good.
i met her 7 years ago at ft riley, and the MF"er who stole my skateboard !!!!
any type of hype music to get you ready for what ever it is you got to do. HYPE MUSIC
Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and indy films, worlds fastest Indian!!
Anything Discovery Channel, A&E, History Channel or Sci Fi. CARLOS MENCIA YOU RETARD !!!!
playboy 1979 and older. Alot of good men we lost Deep in the bush. Those poor basterds.... poor basterds
Chuck Norris.....the Patron Saint of Facial Hair, PRAY FOR US. Indian Larry RIP, Johney Chop RIP, and all others who build with there hands.