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About Me

Hi:)da name is Marialena or jus Maria. I'm 15 and a sophmore at Rio Mesa High.I'm more of a laid back type of person, but some times I can be kinda crazy.I always like to meet new people and i'm real easy to talk to, so if u want to no more about me then don't be shy to add me.

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I'd like to meet:

i wanna mEEt:SomeOne thAt cAn maKe Me sMiLe bai juSt waLKing int0 a r0oM. SomEoNe wh0 wouLd d0 aniThanG jUst t0 MakE me LaugH. sOmeOne wh0 i cOUld havE N0 doUBt in trUstinG. SomEonE wh0 wouLD ALWAiZ be thEre for mE whEN i neeDed them. SomeONe who wOULd stiKK uP fa mE anyTyme 'N aniwhEre. sOmeoNe wh0 caLLz juSS t0 sai "g0od morning" S0mEonE wh0 i cAn tuRn suMthinG boRing inT0 suMthiNG fUn. SomEonE wh0 cAn bE g0ofy wiT me, anD maKe jOKeZ. s0MeoNe wh0 wHisPerZ sWeEt nOthinGz in mAi EaR. S0MeonE who ACTUALLi iZ diFFeRenT fRom oTha guiZ. SomEonE who tELLz mE iM bEauTifUl, whEn i l0oK mAi woRse..anD mEaNZ it. SomEonE wh0 iZ noT inSeCuRe..SomEone wh0 hAs cOnfiDenCe.. buT n0t 2 muCh.. S0mEoNe who onli onLi sEE's mE in a R0om fiLL oF laDyZ. S0mEonE wh0 cAn mAkE mE f0rgEt i wAs evEr eVen sAd. (iF i wAs) SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T AKT DiFFERENT iN FRONT OF THEiR BOYz. SomEonE wH0 dOesNt pLai thE gAme..thE saMe oL' gaMe. SomEonE wh0 wiLL actUaLLi siT thRu a giRLy moVie wiT me.. f0r me ;D SoMeonE wh0 wiLL actUaLLi waiT. iF y0o knOE wuT i meAn. SoMeoNe wh0 lYkeZ t0 g0 ouT on dAtEz n haVe diNNeR. s0MeoNe wh0 iZ sExi anD cAn tUrN mE oN. s0MeoNe wh0 cAn mAkEz mE fEEl A.M.A.Z.i.N.G bai a siMpLe kiSS. SomEonE wh0 hAs manNerZ. SomEOnE wh0 iS heLLa mAtuRe buT styLL c0o n tyte t0 hanG wit aT da sAMe tyMe. SoMEoNE wh0 rEspEcTz ALL woMen. SoMEoNe wh0 iZ paTieNt. S0mEoNE wh0 iZ n0T ovEr jeAloUs. soMeoNe wh0 lyKeZ me..f0r mE. sOMeoNe wh0 cAn be mai bEsT friEnd. SomEonE wh0 i cAn spEnd houRz hOURz talkinG abOUt NOTHiNG. sOmeoNe wh0 iZ a g0od liSteneR. s0MeoNe wh0 i cAn daNce wiT aLL nYte. soMeoNE wh0 i cAn siT oN tHe coucH wiT n cUddLe waTchin moVieZ n eaTin popcOrn. sOmeonE wh0 iZ smArt anD kAn tEaCh mE thiNGz. s0MeoNe wh0 alWaiZ feeLz comfortabLe wiT me. s0mEonE wh0 iZ exciTinG anD roManTiC @ thE saMe tyMe. sOmeonE wh0 doEsNt bEliEve iN lyiNg 2 girlZ ;DD sOmeonE wh0 alwaiZ opEnz the dooRz f0r mE. soMeOne wh0 wiLL maKe me breAkfAsT in yuUMM s0MeoNE wh0 wiLL caTer 2 me esp. whEN im siKK. s0mEonE wh0 wiLL hOlD mE whEN im coLD oR sCaRed. s0MeoNe wh0 iZ vEry poLiTe 2 oThErZ. s0mEone wh0 doEsnT cAre whAt oThA peoPLe sai oR thiNKK buT stAnDz uP fA thEiR bEliEfZ. s0mEone wh0 lYkeZ t0 haVE bloKKbuStEr nYtEz in FroNt of thE fiRe on raiNy dAiZ. Someone wh0 d0esnt juSt foLLow the croWd. SomeonE wh0 wiLL giVe me rOseS n tEddi beArS whEn i waNt them. S0meonE wh0 spoiLz me juSt cuZ thEi wAnT t0. SomeONe wh0 is a HUGE genTLemEn. SomOne wh0 iS n0t a stupiD plAyeR/piMp. SomeoNe wh0 d0esnT thinK they'Re thE shiT, anD treAtZ girLz lyKe dawgZ. SoMeoNe wh0 doesnT caLL girLz BYTCHEZ 'n HOEzno mATTer wh0 it iZ. SomEonE wh0 LovEz G0d. S0mEoNe that mAi faMiLy wouLd lOve. ;) SomEone wh0 doesnt think that a "reaL" man is s0meonE that coNtroLLz their girL. SoMEonE wh0 faLLz aSlEEp oN dA foNe wiT mE. ...caaan g0 on foRevErr... *soMEonE wh0 maKeZ mE happi* ;DD Scrollbox From



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