I like to read history books also poetry by famous poets like Keats, Tennyson, Byron, Shelley, Kipling, Rosseti and some Sheakspear I may add, also of others not so famous.I also write poems whenever I get motivated.I also like to play soccer when out of my rocker you see, and since I'm old and cannot run as good i play as center back, I'm a good kicker. I know you don't believe me, but all you have to do is turn around and I can prove it, no I am not going to spank you, not unless you wanted me too, but my paddle is not always at hand, it's in the back of my car, and anyway I consider that preferential treatment ( for special people only)you must get in my car for that, so What? you said do it by hand, nooo waaay those days are over. I like to use the right tool for the right job, this time you just get that old sweet steel toe socker shoe. Just don't get on my space and start doing or saying silly things, because if I loose my composure anything can happen you might even become a candidate for that special treatment I spoke about you see.Do favorite gadgets come under this category, if so, I'm not going to go there.
You've already guessed what it is, I'm talking to you with the dirty mind O.K?
It's not just the paddle my friend,oh no, I am not going to make it that easy for you now. lol
You,re suppose to be smart, right? lol
I'd like to meet:
I would like to meet Ann Margret, she was my pin up girl while i was a merchant seaman when in my late teens early twenties, I had her pictures pasted all over my cabin walls.
Say what? What kind of glue I used for that? Look you all sons of inequity, what is it to you all, where are you going with that? I used Elmer's glue that came usually in a bottle, and ocasionally I would run out so I used flour paste. Amazingly enough most of the mean spirited people out there happen to be women (men know better than to ask silly questions as such)and I don't like to insult women no matter how mean, otherwise I would of said get out of my face, stop screwing around with my head, you hear!
Now what else you have for me come bring it on. What did you say? I don't really believe you, what glue do I use to paste my ..s on my laptop? Look I don't think I want to talk to you for a while because on top of everything else you are technologically challenged
The dirty dozen, The village idiot, The boston strangler,Holocaust, les Miserables, The boys from brazil, Tombstone, Saving Private Ryan and any movie with Gregory Peck or Ann Margret who are my favor actors although not the only ones
I am sending this rose to all MySpace friends.
My Suzie Q
This is my latest acquisition.
It's hard to hide my bent.
Lets Do It - Glitters & Comments
Dezrum.com Myspace, Hi5 & Orkut Glitters
Anyone who has or is fighting for what is right or an ideal, anyone who dedicates his life for the good and for the betterment of the human race