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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hiya All, My Name's Paul Whitrow, Maverick Bristolian Record Producer from the proper old school of music production...That's over 20 years of unique recording experience meticulously studied in professional recording studios. For me, it's more than making a record, it's articulating an artistes pure vision for a song, sculpting the listeners soul and producing music with a very high attention to detail and professional standard... Music is the closest thing to the divine, we cannot touch or hold it, however it talks directly to our soul with an energy that gives us pure light. Here's a chance to share some of the wonderful music that has been through the sacred halls of Whitrow Mansions...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

This seems to be a wonderful place to interact with fellow creative souls... We're embracing the future and taking it all to the next level of understanding... The nature of the music industry is changing radically, and this seems to be the perfect way for the entire industry to reinvent itself, which it has to do in order to survive... If we can inspire and enhance with our creative craft, then that is our gift to share... We need to be fearless as this world gets a little tougher to survive each day. Our "leaders" lie to us on a daily basis, we are "governed" by television... Break the spell, remember you're a strong soul who has to see your own victory is survival, and living to fight on, for one more day... If you've got something good and positive to add to great equation of life itself, then get involved... If you're a nutter/psycho with nothing more than a dumb scam to offer then be gone, and in the words of Bill Hicks - "Go find yourself a fucking soul" and know that the powers that be will make you very spiritually unhappy as you fail in your endeavours... "See the light, enter the light, become the light and shine" - The Shamen, Destination Escaton... Are you with the program, or are you still getting it?...Paul x

My Blog

4th Dimensional Relationships

3D: 3rd-Dimensional RelationshipsThe way relationships normally work with us here in our 3rd opposed to..4D: 4th-Dimensional RelationshipsThe way relationships normally workon the 4th dim...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 10:37:00 GMT

Fleeting Angels

  Walking home in the warm rain, With a warmth in my soul, Another day making beautiful memories, As we relinquish control.   Then another fleeting angel, Falls right out of the...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 00:13:00 GMT

Subversive Information

Dearest Angels of the Secretlink,This the latest chapter in Governmental lies and deepest manipulation of the facts, whilst blood drips from their uncaring and power crazy hands. You owe it to yoursel...
Posted by on Tue, 09 May 2006 08:41:00 GMT

Deepest Thoughts Of The Secretlink Ideaology... Hiya angels of the secretlink, It is the darkness before the dawn. Tomorrow we go live with the press launch, with a blaze of glory that will send all of the angels o...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 20:22:00 GMT

John Peel's Running This Place From Heaven...

....Don't you agree? Teenage Kicks from Heaven... not from 10 til 12...But always and forever... Love you John. Your spirit is alive, well and strongly being felt around the world... Paul x
Posted by on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 17:22:00 GMT

Potential of Online Mastering and Productions...

Hiya all you beautiful musical souls. So here we sit on the brink of complete revolution in the music industry. Every future musical action directly to your own public through the medium of Myspace. I...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 16:54:00 GMT

A Little Background To Some Of The Featured Groups...

Flylow...Bonefide Finnish Rockstars with a hit album in Finland. Album done by yours truly, Top 10 single before I came on the scene. Amazing Band, and one of the most energetic, musically tight, hear...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 19:39:00 GMT

What's been going on at "Whitrow Mansions"

Hiya Fellow Souls,         Just starting to realise the potential of this whole thing, this is going to revolutionise and change the nature of the whole music indust...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 23:40:00 GMT