well iim back. basiic was a lot easiier than ii thought. now iim just iin the process of waiitiing to be released from my current reserve uniit so ii can go actiive duty!!! ii am stiill madly iin love wiith samantha oliivarez! she means the world to me and now we are planniing on gettiing marriied iin december eiither next year or the year after that. probably december 11 or somethiing liike that. well other than that liife iis great. ii am a seniior at calallen hiigh school and iim ready to get the fuck outta there!!! ii wiill then be on my way to Texas A&M Kiingsviille so ii can get my Ph.D iin ciiviil engiineeriing!! well anythiing else you wanna know just wriite me and ask.
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