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About Me

Family stories told countless times, resulting in a string of unending puns and inside anecdotes, objects, images, smells, and sounds that trigger memories of the actual events, and the need to create an arena of discussion for my family's specific idiosyncrasies have fueled my search for personal iconography. The resulting imagery emerges out of the often-unsung legacy that is my heritage. The flatness of the work references mapping through the use of a diagrammatic space. Memory and association are addressed in the electrical connections of the water ripples turned neurons and synapses, and more subtly, compositions are arranged as a strange documentation of occurrence and situation. Through this process I hope to create a contemporary lineage all my own.

My Blog

Racers and Particles

Howdy Friends, There is a sweet and lovely band out of Portland named the Charmparticles. Recently I had the privilege of art directing their newest (first?) music video. Please check it out:)
Posted by on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 23:49:00 GMT

I'm no good for titles

So... I'm working, not woking, on some new...well, work. Let me just say that it involves yarn. That just seems wonderful to me. Ahhh, synthetic yarn.What's everyone else been up to?
Posted by on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 14:55:00 GMT

Lessedra World Art Print Annual

I'll be one of only 527 artists from 53 countries to be exhibited in the 5th Annual Lessedra World Art Print Annual in Sofia, Bulgaria. Who'da thunk?
Posted by on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 15:25:00 GMT