I play the Guitar, but I am not a guitar player (It's like being a doctor, but not a surgeon) → Information technology → human emotion → the seemingly unattainable
Intelligent people with a craving for knowledge, and the ability to absorb and contain it.
Pulp Fiction, Natural Born Killers, Resevoir Dogs, Ocean's Eleven, In The Army Now, The Princess Bride, Requiem to a Dream, The Bourne Identity, Dinosaur, Appolo 13, Cast Away, Meet the Parents, Almost Famous, Hackers, The Matrix, Aliens, Dusk 'Till Dawn, Johnny Depp movies are good, Once Upon a Time In Mexico, Chapelle, Gross Point Blank, Jon Cussack movies are usually good, Lost Boys, Catch Me If You Can, The Trigger Effect, Leaving LasVegas - Cage movies are good, Trouble Bound, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Ghosts in the Darkness, Pitch Black, Chronicles of Riddik, Ice Age, Evolution, Basic, Blackhawk Down, Mission to Mars, Excess Baggage, a lot more that I'll fill in later...This is your brain on movies:
Ya know, I know they're good things, but I honestly haven't read many of them and the ones that I have read I'm not going to reveal. I have respect for people that can find or make time to sit down and read books but I really don't think that it is a measure of intelligence. I learned how to read books when I was younger - that's also when I learned to ride a bike. I haven't done either of those things for quite some time but I'm sure that if I ever had to do it again it would all come back to me.
My Parents (anyone who could live with me for that long deserves a medal) also Scott Harrington and Kevin Overby for seeing me through the category fives